>> Sigh.
>> I hate it.
>> Sniped just seconds before the end.
>> They should realy change their policy about
>> ending time - these (automatic) snipers are
>> realy not the way it should be.
> Hard cheese!
??? I like hard cheese - hmm but I cant get the idea :=)
> Snipers, shills, and all of the other nasty things, some legally shakey,
> have been around since auctions were invented. Ebay is no different.
eBay is different - a real auctioneer always gives the same
amount of additional time after teh last Bid - ePay just cuts.
I could imagine two possible ways - first add 1 hour after every
(successful) bid. Or, second just state the ending day and put
the ending time on a random moment.
I would prefere the last one, because it would reflect the
idea of proxy bidding - bid once and let the eBay do its job.
> At
> least there is no annoying auctioneer (actually an American thing - the
> European auctioneers do not talk at several hundered words per minute).
Funny to listen.
> I have been in the same situation quite a few times with Ebay, and now I
> must just live with bidding ONCE, and if I am outbid, then I do not win.
> None of this high-stress, keep-hitting-the-reload-button, waiting for me.
Ja- especialy when the ending time is something like noon EST
(6PM MEZ) - that's the heavyest trafic time across the pond.
My line was so slow, I needed some 5 Minutes for reloading :(
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Mon Oct 26 1998 - 13:03:02 GMT