I agree. I think sometimes, it's good to get a bit off-topic. Even WAY
off topic (sometimes) isn't bad. Just as long as it's not spam, like on
the OCH. A break from the ordinary is good.
* Jason Willgruber *
* (roblwill_at_usaor.net) *
* *
http://members.tripod.com/general_1 *
* ICQ#-1730318 *
* /0\/0\ *
* > Long Live the 5170! *
* \___/ *
> From: Bill Richman <bill_r_at_inetnebr.com>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Noise levels increasing and have become deafening
> Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 8:04 PM
> Boo hoo. Personally, I *enjoy* some "chatter" in the group, as long as
> it's from people who are into classic computers and the like. As often
> as not, I will read a message and think "Y'know - that's exactly what
> happened to me/how I feel about that/where I'm at in life," and it feels
> good. I hang out in the rec.crafts.metalworking newsgroup a lot, and
> you'll never find a group lower in spam or more willing to help anyone
> who wanders in, whether it's a question about how to best move a 3,000
> lb lathe or the best snow tires for a Volkswagen. It's like the old
> guys who sat by the wood stove playing checkers in old-time hardware
> stores, except there are about 500 of them. I've seen this group giving
> each other some (occasionally much needed) "attaboys!" and general moral
> support, and it's kind of neat. If I want cold, hard facts, I generally
> look elsewhere, but if I want to read some personal anecdotes about
> classic computers and the lives of those who collect them, I come here.
> Relax, have a cup of coffee, and slow down a little. People with tunnel
> who demand instant gratification are most of what's wrong with the world
> today!
Received on Mon Oct 26 1998 - 19:23:32 GMT