Help with an Amiga...

From: John Foust <>
Date: Tue Oct 27 09:07:55 1998

At 09:07 AM 10/27/98 -0600, Arfon Gryffydd wrote:
>Hey, I picked up an old Amiga 1000 yesterday without a keyboard, mouse or
>Can anyone point me to an Amiga 1000, 2000 or 3000 source or technical
>information on these keyboards so I can wire one up myself.
>Any information on useable monitors or mice?

Did you try searching the net? There must be ten thousand Amiga die-hard
sites. Or try Dejanews. What is this, an oracle?

Amiga keyboards were proprietary, so your best bet would be to find
another Amiga keyboard. The mice were compatible with Sun three-button
mice, I think. Monitors were analog RGB, and the A1000 has a composite
output, too.

- John
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 09:07:55 GMT

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