Great job Megan! I hope you can get help in storing the gear. I know what
that problem is like.
Those 8's are a real find for sure. I guess we can say you're now one of
the few folks who has a true variety of 8's :)
I have no room left at our new house for anymore of my collection, tools,
stuff, etc. But you say you have a condo. That is sometimes a relatively
small residence to begin with. How does the other condo members feel about
the gear you haul into your place all the time? :) You probably use
"Creative Packing".
Myself, I have to steal some time form working around the two houses in
order to make up a list of the DEC stuff I cannot keep and post it here.
Need the room badly and don't want to store some of the gear in the two
garages (lousy conditions in wintertime.) Been saying that for better than
two months now but being temporarily unemployed makes me *really* busy
around the houses (remodeling, etc.) Not much time for messing w/computers
& old radios and spending quiet times with the family. Hans Franke can
verify the amount of stuff in here --and that was *before* I hauled more
radios, library contents, tools and equipment over from the old house!
C'mon RCS folks! Help her save this batch of goodies!
Good luck, Chris
P.S.: Uh, what software do you use to gzip your condo???? I need that
myself. <G>
At 22:22 10/26/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I found a person getting rid of a a couple of H960 tall cabs
>worth of DEC hardware -- and I'm the first one to have
>contacted him. I can take it all away... If I can find a
>place to store it (without having to completely reorganize
>the insides of my condo... I've got a call into RCS/RI for
>some space)...
>anyway, what I can get is an 11/34 (unknown condition) with
>a VT11, VR14 (and light pen) and an LPS11, as well as four
>(4) pdp-8s of various types with various media... !!!
> A pdp-8/a
> A pdp-8/e
> A pdp-8/f (the lab-8)
> another -8, I think it was an 8/m
>A couple of RL02s, Diablo style rk05s, rx01, dectapes...
>all in two tall cabs and a short cab.
>I don't want to let this one get away from me, so if I don't
>hear from RCS/RI, I may just have to compress (gzip) my
>condo... :-)
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 10:32:14 GMT