> It isn't such a great price. HUD Economists really ought to study a
> bit of economics (though I realize Economists don't set Economic
> policy -- that's done by elected and appointed officials who wouldn't
> know economics even when it bites them in the ass).
Hey, whats this for a new kind of tecnology ?
'Elected officials' that are bitten by economy ?
Get real, they have our taxes to avoide any
complication with reality! They are so deeply
pampered, they wouldn't even notice it if their
campain manager wouldn't tell them that there is
a thing calld bad economic situation. We had now
for more almost 20 years a fat (right of the middle)
gouvernment that cared a lot about the economy -
especialy their personal one.
(Do I get a bonus point for enhanced off topic rage ?)
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 12:18:19 GMT