Noise levels increasing and have become deafening

From: Stephen Dauphin <>
Date: Tue Oct 27 11:13:35 1998

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Hans Franke wrote:
> > I have been watching closely what has been comming though and I have found
> > that by just looking at the heading I trash 95% of all messages, spot
> > checks have shown me that there is nothing worth while reading.
> Reading just the headers is missleading - very missleading.
> I did it sometimes, especialy when they where talking about
> DEC stuff, where I have no personal link, even no information
> about, and before I even realized I passed some _very_ interesting
> themes - nobody can reflect complex things in just a header.
> I've learned my lesson - now I peek at least inside _every_
> message.

Agreed! This is the only list I do not receive as a digest and prefer to
receive as individual messages. Serendipity is a powerful factor when you
hang with bright people. I always look at each message even if it turns
out my interest is some peripheral aspect.

This list is well above average in all respects, however, like all lists,
a percentage of the noise would abate if people took the time to target
the quotes and only use material relevant to that specific post.
Like I did with this one, with 80 or so % of the quoted verbiage
deleted. (And Hans did previously) It isn't a major problem, but
everybody can do their part to help.

                                            -- Stephen Dauphin

PS, Didn't realize I'd need a disclaimer. No connection with the company,
no connection with any geographic location. Just an uncommon French name
by way of French Canada.
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 11:13:35 GMT

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