eBay (aka: ePay, eVay, oyVay, etc...)

From: Hans Franke <franke_at_sbs.de>
Date: Tue Oct 27 12:55:27 1998

>>> We disagree here, as I still think it is a lot of fun. As far as the chance
>>> of ending up with it, it is exactly what you are willing to pay for it.
>> Like that guy who just bought the 1200XL on eBay for $600...

> Evolution works. Depending on his age, either his parents or his
> wife will kill him, a drop of chlorine in the gene pool.

Maybe we could get a life transmission ?
After all, its a real internet thing in
the internet age, by internet stupidity.


Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 12:55:27 GMT

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