On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Bill Richman wrote:
> Coming from someone with a 24-line signature, ragging other people about
> appropriate mailing list behavior strikes me as just a bit hypocritical.
> Every time 1 or 2 people make noise about "noise" on the list, Sam jumps on
> his "This list needs a moderator and I'm the man for the job" soapbox and
> everybody grumbles about leaving until he settles down; I don't really see
Actually, I did no such thing. I simply posted the FAQ in response to
someone's (rightful) bitch that the list had gone sorely off-topic. Where
did you get this assanine notion that I've all of a sudden caused this
great stir you perceive? It seems to me that you're just fabricating
this one to cause a needless debate, just like you've done in the past.
Its assholes like you who take whatever opportunity you can to further
throw the list into disarray for your own selfish reasons. Why can't you
just shut up and let the noise die down instead of fanning the flames?
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
Ever onward.
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[Last web site update: 09/21/98]
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 19:48:39 GMT