TRS-80 Model II stuff!

From: <(>
Date: Wed Oct 28 07:23:16 1998

> >unclear as to how to translate 77-track x 34 (256byte) sector media
> >to 80-track x 18 (512byte) sector media. I know it will fit fine --
> >whether it can be used directly if an adapter is made to connect the
> >new drives to the old hardware I don't know
> Again, this is well discussed in Q16 ("Can I use the newer floppy
> drives on my old machine?") of the CP/M FAQ. See

> And I'm sorry but this was a CPM FAQ not an
> 8' fd faq. Much less a well-discussed one.

I disagree. In between Q14 and Q16 of the CP/M FAQ, and the reference
to Sydex's tools, everything you need to know to make images from physical
floppies and physical floppies from images on a PC-clone is in the FAQ.

Q16 will even tell you how to use a 5.25" or 3.5" floppy on your
Model II.

> FAQs were created to answer
> repetitious questions not to eliminate the need for particular group
> discussion of the theme.

But it *is* a FAQ in many other forums, and has been repeatedly discussed
on CLASSICCMP in the past, as well.

> Reminds me of the old guilds where smithy methods
> should not be discussed among the profane. I don't remember you posting
> objections to any other thread. Why this ?

I'm not objecting to the thread; I'm simply pointing the group towards
an already extremely comprehensive source of information, because
this is a better practice than repeating stuff that most folks here
have already seen many times before.

Received on Wed Oct 28 1998 - 07:23:16 GMT

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