DOS disks?

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Wed Oct 28 10:49:21 1998

At 04:25 PM 10/28/98 -0000, you wrote:

>Get the GNU DOS port of vi - has the benefit of being a standard, very
>powerful, reliable and takes up 120KB or so (OK, that's a lot more than
>ideal for an editor, but at least you don't need all the extra garbage
>that you have to have with standard MS-DOS 'edit') - of course, if
>you've never used vi before, you're gonna hate it :)


Well, not if you're accustomed to TS-EDIT on the Tandy Color Computers! vi
is a superset (I believe -- been a long time since I used TS-EDIT) but the
CoCo clone is a fairly complete implementation of it.

One thing about vi / TS-EDIT: 'tis a pain in the rear to use, until you get
accustomed to the commands. If you do become highly accustomed to editor,
you can go *very fast* with it.

Boy, I miss those good old days... ;-)

Received on Wed Oct 28 1998 - 10:49:21 GMT

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