PCjr with no disk drive?

From: Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com>
Date: Fri Oct 30 13:19:11 1998

Joe wrote:
> That's my understanding. There are three levels of BASIC for the Jr.
> Level 1 is the ROM BASIC, level 2 is the disk BASIC and level 3 is the
> cartridge BASIC. I was surprised that the cartridge BASIC was the most
> complete but that's what the manual says.

I doubt that the catridge BASIC by itself is a true superset of disk BASIC;
I think you have to have both the disk and cartridge to get everything.

I don't think the cartridge includes any of the disk I/O statements
and functions.

But the manual is at home, so I can't check it at the moment.

Received on Fri Oct 30 1998 - 13:19:11 GMT

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