Microvaxen bits etc.

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Fri Oct 30 15:45:34 1998

< cables from the plates to the machines. Bore a 3/4" hole in the top plat
< the wall in the attic, or in the bottom if from the basement (as mine is
< and you can pass even the BNC through. Make sure to put foam sealant aro

Been there and done that.

< Not sure if F connectors were around back then, or if they were very muc

They were but BNC is later than the original eithernet which used
expensive and hard to assemble Type N.

< use. Also it makes things much harder to disconnect. That's why they

I can understand quick disconnect. Also It may have been an artifact
of the WANG loop drops that used RG58/59 and BNC.

< probably didn't use PL259 and SO238 combos since every had their fill o
< threaded connectors from the twinax days.

They are just plain too big.

Received on Fri Oct 30 1998 - 15:45:34 GMT

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