'Teletype' art and part wanted

From: wanderer <wanderer_at_bos.nl>
Date: Mon Sep 7 13:31:29 1998

Who does not remember the 'teletype' art, which was made by
people during the night shift?

I'm looking for these drawings. So if you have one (ore more)
of them please feel free to email them to me directly, unless
you want to please other readers as well...



P.S. can somebody help me with a 'chat' container or knows
an address where to get one?
The Wanderer                       | Geloof nooit een politicus!
wanderer_at_bos.nl                    | Europarlementariers:
http://www.bos.nl/homes/wanderer   | zakkenvullers en dumpplaats voor
Unix Lives!   windows95 is rommel! | mislukte politici.
'96 GSXR 1100R                     | 
See http://www.bos.nl/homes/wanderer/gates.html for a funny pic. of
Received on Mon Sep 07 1998 - 13:31:29 BST

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