'Teletype' art and part wanted

From: K.S. <haleyk_at_okstate.edu>
Date: Mon Sep 7 11:57:23 1998

I have Snoopy.

have a good Labor Day.


As the astronomers unanimously teach, the circuit of the
whole earth, which to us seems endless, compared with the
greatness of the universe has the likeness of a mere point.
--Ammianus Marcellinius ( 330-395 AD)
the last major Roman historian in "The Chronicle of Events"
***** haleyk_at_okstate.edu ***** ***** ***** ends.

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, wanderer wrote:

> Who does not remember the 'teletype' art, which was made by
> people during the night shift?
> I'm looking for these drawings. So if you have one (ore more)
> of them please feel free to email them to me directly, unless
> you want to please other readers as well...
> Thanks,
> Ed
> P.S. can somebody help me with a 'chat' container or knows
> an address where to get one?
> --
> The Wanderer | Geloof nooit een politicus!
> wanderer_at_bos.nl | Europarlementariers:
> http://www.bos.nl/homes/wanderer | zakkenvullers en dumpplaats voor
> Unix Lives! windows95 is rommel! | mislukte politici.
> '96 GSXR 1100R |
> See http://www.bos.nl/homes/wanderer/gates.html for a funny pic. of
> Gates!
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