Tape Storage for Dummies

From: Will Emerson <wpe101_at_banet.net>
Date: Sun Sep 13 19:10:33 1998

Distant memory time... As far as copying files to the tape, did you
initialize it prior to MOUNTing it?
$ INIT MSA0: TEST !TEST being the volume name assigned to the tape.

$ MOUNT MSA0: TEST !tape "mounts", and is given the logical name
an example.......

Allison, PLEASE correct me on this!!!!!!

If memory serves me, if you do a DIR of TEST: you should see your file
in the [0,0] directory.
I think to preserve the directory structure, you have to mount the tape
/FOREIGN, and use
I haven't done this for about 5 years, so, "your mileage may vary"..
Hope this helps.. As far as
RT-11, sorry... Don't have my books handy, and I know the list'll have
the answer long before
I find them...


John Lawson wrote:

> This is an open letter to my Northern Brother-in-Scrap, Bruce
> Lane, 'cause I know he's done this... and I thought maybe others
> will have (or soon have) these questions too...
> Okay.. I realize now that all of my 20+ years of computer
> experience has been on disk-based systems... and I am having some
> fundamental-concept problems in understanding the basics of Tape, as
> it is implemented under VMS (and maybe RT-11 too, I'll burn that
> bridge when I get to it).
> On my now beautifully working uVAX II (thanks again Allison!) I
> have a Cipher 9trk and a TK50... I have the MIcro VMS User's Manuals
> VOL I & II. I understand the concept of mounting the devices and
> allocating them (sort of), and I have successfully loaded, mounted,
> allocated, and initialized a roll of tape on the Cipher. I have made
> a Test directory on the HD called [TEST] ;} on which I have created
> a couple of simple text files. I have tried to copy these files to
> the tape (MSA0:), and it does *something*, the tape advances and the
> HD led flickers, but when I try to copy these files back, all I get
> are sequentially numbered blank directory entries.
> I mounted/foreign an RT-ll sig tape, and tried to copy it to the
> HD; same thing. Show/Dev/MSA0: shows the right Volume Label.. but
> the directories are empty when I copy them back...
> I am lacking in the basic understanding of how the tape system
> works, so I thought to ask my Firends and Listmembers.
> Cheers
> John
Received on Sun Sep 13 1998 - 19:10:33 BST

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