Does Bill Gates know how to program?

From: James Willing <>
Date: Sat Sep 19 19:51:05 1998

Well... having no specific definitive knowledge on the topic, I can offer
the following comment...

A couple of years back, when I loaned Mr. Gates one of the Altairs from my
collection for him to use in a presentation to the Smithsonian (has anyone
seen the video of the interview?), I spent about 2 hours teaching a couple
of his minions how to start up an Altair, start BASIC from a ROM card, and
enter and run a 20+ year old three line sine wave program (which he used in
the presentation and claimed as his own) so that they could pass this
arcane knowledge back to him...

All of this while I was restoring an Altair 8800B for him...

(ah... the stories...)


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Received on Sat Sep 19 1998 - 19:51:05 BST

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