Apple Questions

From: Marvin <>
Date: Mon Sep 28 14:35:20 1998

This morning, a friend of mine brought over a pickup truck load of Apple
computers, monitors, printers, and dead disk drives.

First, I noticed on the Apple ][e computers there were two slightly
different keyboards. On a few, the icon on the Apple key was larger that
that on the rest of the computers. Is this one way to identify early Apple
][e computers, or is there any significance to it?

Second, I got a few monitors that say Apple III on them. I had thought
these were for the Apple III computers; is this so, and/or were they also
used for other Apple computers?

Finally, I haven't checked the drives but are there common problems I should
look for when I start checking out the drives?

Thanks in advance!
Received on Mon Sep 28 1998 - 14:35:20 BST

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