On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Bill Sudbrink wrote:
> What is it about hamfests that cause otherwise
> sane individuals to get up at the crack of dawn?
The fact that if you don't some other insane geek will, and will properly
scoop up all the good stuff before you've even completed your morning pee.
> Almost every computer involved person I know who
> has any control of their work schedule:
> 1) Gets up after the sun has properly warmed the earth
> where they live
1.5) Pees.
> 2) Eats lunch for breakfast
> 3) Eats dinner for lunch
> 4) Has Chinese delivered at 1 a.m. for dinner
> 5) Sleeps till 2 or 3 p.m. on Saturday if at all possible
Sure, but the Saturday and Sunday hamfests are an exception to that
otherwise cozy schedule.
And I haven't slept in til 2 or 3pm on a Saturday in years. Those were
the good old days.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Fri Apr 02 1999 - 02:37:57 BST