- Thursday, 1 April 1999
- Paging the following folks... Bruce Lane
- PAGING: Martin Marshall and Frank McConnel Bruce Lane
- PAGING: Martin Marshall and Frank McConnel Jim Strickland
- [Fwd: FS: Sun SPARCclassic machines] bluoval
- HP 9845B <- free paper Russ Miller
- ASR-33 Data Format? Hans Franke
- ASR-33 Data Format? Hans Franke
- Computer busses.... Hans Franke
- Floor tiles William Donzelli
- PDP-11/34A rebuild project Was: Re: Post-move diary Megan
- PDP-11/34A rebuild project Was: Re: Post-move diary Megan
- Computer busses.... (& Z-380) Arfon Gryffydd
- PDP 11/73 Megan
- Multi-User BASIC Rick Bensene
- Computer busses.... (& Z-380) Richard Erlacher
- Terak software John Foust
- Looking for 8008 language software (PL/M, MASM, BASIC,...) Joe
- Timonium Hamfest Joe
- Collectors list Joe
- Timonium Hamfest Bill Sudbrink
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Classic color video Bill Sudbrink
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Mike Ford
- ASR-33 Data Format? Dwight Elvey
- Multi-User BASIC allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Osborne PSU LordTyran
- What do you do with 256k Wang Fred Cisin
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Aaron Christopher Finney
- Timonium Hamfest John Lawson
- telephone bandwidth (was Re: ASR-33 Data Format?) Eric Smith
- PDP 11/73 Bill Pechter
- ASR-33 Data Format? Eric Smith
- PDP 11/73 Jay West
- PDP 11/73 Megan
- PDP 11/73 CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- pdp-8 haul trip report Megan
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Chuck McManis
- PDP 11/73 CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Vector Graphic range... Tony Duell
- old computer Simon Griffioen
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Classic color video Tony Duell
- Classic color video Tony Duell
- PDP-11/34A rebuild project Was: Re: Post-move diary Tony Duell
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Tony Duell
- Classic color video George Rachor
- Timonium Hamfest Joe
- telephone bandwidth (was Re: ASR-33 Data Format?) Hans Franke
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Christian Fandt
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Merle K. Peirce
- telephone bandwidth (was Re: ASR-33 Data Format?) Eric Smith
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Eric Smith
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- New uses for old toys! Daniel A. Seagraves
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Zane H. Healy
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Max Eskin
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Richard Erlacher
- Classic color video Allison J Parent
- Rebirth of IMSAI Allison J Parent
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Vector Graphic range... Francois
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- DECtapeII drives available - contact the person in the post, not me Megan
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Don Maslin
- Rebirth of IMSAI Ward D. Griffiths III
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Rebirth of IMSAI Richard Erlacher
- New uses for old toys! Zane H. Healy
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Allison J Parent
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Richard Erlacher
- Classic color video LordTyran
- Rebirth of IMSAI Allison J Parent
- Collectors list Richard A. Cini, Jr.
- Reply to original sender Zane H. Healy
- Sickening Documentation Zane H. Healy
- LT33? Zane H. Healy
- Sickening Documentation Ward D. Griffiths III
- Sickening Documentation (OT) Zane H. Healy
- Friday, 2 April 1999
- Collectors list Bill Yakowenko
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Bill Yakowenko
- Timonium Hamfest Sellam Ismail
- LT33? Eric Smith
- Terak software Sellam Ismail
- Timonium Hamfest Sellam Ismail
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Peter Joules
- Sickening Documentation Megan
- Sickening Documentation Megan
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Francois
- Sic Transit Gloria Mundi Bill Pechter
- Sickening Documentation CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Sickening Documentation (OT) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Sickening Documentation (OT) Bill Pechter
- Sickening Documentation (OT) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Richard Erlacher
- PAGING: Joe Rigdon, Mike McManus Bruce Lane
- Rescuer's list vs Collector's list was Re: Collectors Lawrence Walker
- Terak software John Foust
- DEC cables kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
- Sickening Documentation LordTyran
- Collectors list emanuel stiebler
- Osborne PSU Charles E. Fox
- Rescuer's list vs Collector's list was Re: Collectors list Joe
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Joe
- Sickening Documentation Zane H. Healy
- Sickening Documentation Zane H. Healy
- Sickening Documentation Ward D. Griffiths III
- Sickening Documentation Aaron Christopher Finney
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Daniel T. Burrows
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- LT33? Tony Duell
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Dwight Elvey
- Looking for 8008 language software (PL/M, MASM, BASIC,...) John Lewczyk
- Help finding software for Nicolet NPC-764 logic analyzer (8085 CP/M) John Lewczyk
- H740 Bridge Rectifier Kevin McQuiggin
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) allisonp_at_world.std.com
- LT33? allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Collectors list/rescue/whatever Brian Mahoney
- New uses for old toys! Daniel A. Seagraves
- Sickening Documentation (OT) Megan
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Nicolett NPC-764 CP/M machine & logic analyzer. John Lewczyk
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Daniel T. Burrows
- LT33? Zane H. Healy
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Tony Duell
- Real Hackers, tools of the trade (was Re: Vector Graphic range...) Daniel T. Burrows
- first DEC machine R. Stricklin
- first DEC machine emanuel stiebler
- Sickening Documentation Derek Peschel
- first DEC machine Zane H. Healy
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Richard Erlacher
- Kits vs ready-made (was RE: Rebirth of IMSAI) Tony Duell
- Nicolett NPC-764 CP/M machine & logic analyzer. Joe
- first DEC machine Allison J Parent
- decitek reader Jay West
- OT: Classic bicycles? Max Eskin
- sinclair computer kits Lawrence LeMay
- HP21MX 12531C? Jay West
- Sickening Documentation Geoffrey D. Roberts
- OT: Classic bicycles? Merle K. Peirce
- Sickening Documentation Merle K. Peirce
- off-the-wall question (possibly OT) Christian Fandt
- Sickening Documentation Computer Room Internet Cafe
- OT: Classic bicycles? Max Eskin
- OT: Classic bicycles? Brian Mahoney
- first DEC machine R. Stricklin
- New arrivals to the Vintage Computer Festival Archives! Sellam Ismail
- Saturday, 3 April 1999
- Sunday, 4 April 1999
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- FW: Many older computer books, software manuals, and electronic data books (last chance moving sale) Bruce Lane
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Hallelujah! Peter Joules
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Eric Smith
- New arrivals to the Vintage Computer Festival Archives! Eric Smith
- AES 7100 Doug Spence
- Hard-sectored 5.25" disks Doug Spence
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- Hard-sectored 5.25" disks Doug Spence
- Apple stuff.... Mike Ford
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Apple stuff.... Mike Ford
- 4116's and other memory Doug Spence
- Messed up Apple (clone) video Doug Spence
- 4116's and other memory Doug Spence
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Jerome Fine
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Max Eskin
- Apple stuff.... John R. Keys Jr.
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Max Eskin
- Apple stuff.... John R. Keys Jr.
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Max Eskin
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Chuck McManis
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Sellam Ismail
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Chuck McManis
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Sellam Ismail
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- AES 7100 Tony Duell
- Hard-sectored 5.25" disks Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- Computer busses.... Allison J Parent
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- Hallelujah! Christian Fandt
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Allison J Parent
- Hallelujah! Allison J Parent
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Allison J Parent
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Tony Duell
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Zane H. Healy
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Zane H. Healy
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- bringing up an 8f... Zane H. Healy
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Several things Mark
- Several things CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Apple stuff.... Jason Willgruber
- FA: ZWS-0200-97 pair and ZWS-0300-04 Units "SupersPORT" portables on eBay Russ Blakeman
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- bringing up an 8f... Megan
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- homemade computer for fun and experience... jpero_at_cgocable.net
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- Several things Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... Kevin McQuiggin
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Allison J Parent
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- bringing up an 8f... Kevin McQuiggin
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Eric Smith
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- bringing up an 8f... Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Dave Dameron
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- Emulating classic terminals CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Max Eskin
- bringing up an 8f... Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture jpero_at_cgocable.net
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... jpero_at_cgocable.net
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- Hallelujah! Christian Fandt
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- homemade computer for fun and experience... jpero_at_cgocable.net
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Megan
- RLV11/RL02 ->11/73? Christian Fandt
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- homemade computer for fun and experience... jpero_at_cgocable.net
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Buck Savage
- Probably OT: Copy-Rite duplicating machine jpero_at_cgocable.net
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- Probably OT: Copy-Rite duplicating machine Chuck McManis
- bringing up an 8f... Zane H. Healy
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Eric Smith
- homemade computer for fun and experience... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Eric Smith
- 11/73->RL02 Final John Lawson
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- [Fwd: FREE Computers - Especially for collectors! (AUS)] David C. Jenner
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- Is this normal? ODT Question Chuck McManis
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- Probably OT: Copy-Rite duplicating machine Jason Willgruber
- Fwd: older computer stuffs bluoval
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- Monday, 5 April 1999
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Sellam Ismail
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- Probably OT: Copy-Rite duplicating machine Sellam Ismail
- bringing up an 8f... Sellam Ismail
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- bringing up an 8f... Eric Smith
- bringing up an 8f... Sellam Ismail
- bringing up an 8f... Mike Ford
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- A IIgs keyboard is a? Phil Beesley
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Huw Davies
- Sickening Documentation Huw Davies
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Huw Davies
- bringing up an 8f... Huw Davies
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! allisonp_at_world.std.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... emanuel stiebler
- Is this normal? ODT Question CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- PDF vs Postscript, was Re: bringing up an 8f... emanuel stiebler
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Sellam Ismail
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Sellam Ismail
- bringing up an 8f... Bill Sudbrink
- bringing up an 8f... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- bringing up an 8f... Geoffrey D. Roberts
- PDF vs Postscript, was Re: bringing up an 8f... Zane H. Healy
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Marvin
- bringing up an 8f... emanuel stiebler
- Thoughts on Taking Inventory kees.stravers_at_iae.nl
- Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- bringing up an 8f... allisonp_at_world.std.com
- bringing up an 8f... allisonp_at_world.std.com
- UCSD Pascal John Foust
- Single-Density PC-clone floppy controllers CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- UCSD Pascal Lawrence LeMay
- bringing up an 8f... Chuck McManis
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions roblwill_at_usaor.net
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- IBM PC disk drive questions John Ruschmeyer
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... John Foust
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Don Maslin
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Russ Blakeman
- bringing up an 8f... allisonp_at_world.std.com
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- bringing up an 8f... Eric Smith
- External drive cabling (Was: IBM PC disk drive questions Fred Cisin
- IBM PC disk drive questions Don Maslin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- Hallelujah! Russ Blakeman
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Dwight Elvey
- VAX 6000/410 available in a couple of months Philip Tait
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- IBM PC disk drive questions Jason Willgruber
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Buck Savage
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Fred Cisin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Thoughts on Taking Inventory Joe
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Max Eskin
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Joe
- OT: ABS (was:Re: microcode, compilers, and supercomputer , architecture) Max Eskin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture bluoval
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Fred Cisin
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Roger Merchberger
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Buck Savage
- Hallelujah! Sellam Ismail
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Bill Pechter
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Joe
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Bill Sudbrink
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Dwight Elvey
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Dwight Elvey
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Kai Kaltenbach
- Tandem Boards Available - Vancouver BC Kevin McQuiggin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Buck Savage
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Merle K. Peirce
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Merle K. Peirce
- bringing up an 8f... Chuck McManis
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Jim Strickland
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Lawrence Walker
- Single-Density PC-clone floppy controllers Lawrence Walker
- OT: ABS (was:Re: microcode, compilers, and supercomputer , architecture) Tony Duell
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Jason Willgruber
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- AIM65 ROM Images Richard A. Cini, Jr.
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Dwight Elvey
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- VAX 6000/410 available in a couple of months Bruce Lane
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Allison J Parent
- IBM PC disk drive questions Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Max Eskin
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Richard Erlacher
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Max Eskin
- bringing up an 8f... Geoffrey D. Roberts
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Ward D. Griffiths III
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Christian Fandt
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Christian Fandt
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Max Eskin
- TRS Coco Computers Marvin
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Ward D. Griffiths III
- TRS Coco Computers Eric Smith
- Fwd: TRANSFORMER Christian Fandt
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Jim Strickland
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Christian Fandt
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Ward D. Griffiths III
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Jason Willgruber
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Allison J Parent
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Ward D. Griffiths III
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Merle K. Peirce
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Merle K. Peirce
- TRS Coco Computers Merle K. Peirce
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Ward D. Griffiths III
- TRS Coco Computers Charles P. Hobbs
- TRS Coco Computers Ward D. Griffiths III
- Thoughts on Taking Inventory Brian Mahoney
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Brian Mahoney
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Don Maslin
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Brian Mahoney
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Ward D. Griffiths III
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Marvin
- IBM 5150 PC disk drive questions Don Maslin
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Ward Donald Griffiths III
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Computer Room Internet Cafe
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Computer Room Internet Cafe
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Computer Room Internet Cafe
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Don Maslin
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Ward D. Griffiths III
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Don Maslin
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Jim Strickland
- Tuesday, 6 April 1999
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Don Maslin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Don Maslin
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Ward D. Griffiths III
- OT Simulators was Re: ABS - or is it Pure BS Computer Room Internet Cafe
- this is not rec.autos Joseph S. Barrera III
- this is not rec.autos Chuck McManis
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Marvin
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS Peter Joules
- OT ABS ranting Mike Ford
- this is not rec.autos SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- ABS - or is it Pure BS bluoval
- homemade computer for fun and experience... allisonp_at_world.std.com
- ABS - or is it Pure BS allisonp_at_world.std.com
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS allisonp_at_world.std.com
- FA: Compucolor II Andrew Davie
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Bill Pechter
- OT ABS ranting allisonp_at_world.std.com
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Megan
- OT: early rising (was: RE: Timonium Hamfest) Joe
- TRS Coco Computers Lawrence Walker
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- FA: Compucolor II Marvin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Dwight Elvey
- OT ABS ranting Sellam Ismail
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture cem14_at_cornell.edu
- Needed: RM80 (for KS10 restoration project) A. J. Corda
- OT ABS ranting Merle K. Peirce
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Clint Wolff
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! ss_at_allegro.com
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! ss_at_allegro.com
- TRS Coco Computers Ward D. Griffiths III
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Cameron Kaiser
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Clint Wolff
- Chicago trs-80s Mike
- Apple stuff.... Ethan Dicks
- Needed: RM80 (for KS10 restoration project) Chuck McManis
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- TRS Coco Computers Tony Duell
- ! Heads Up ! -- System becoming available Megan
- Chicago trs-80s Steve Robertson
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Tony Duell
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS/wheel sensors Stan Perkins
- Hallelujah! Mike
- Last Chance for GRiDPad's Mike
- TRS Coco Computers Tony Duell
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Mike Ford
- HP 88780 9-track tape drive David Wollmann
- Chicago trs-80s Sellam Ismail
- ! Heads Up ! -- System becoming available Sellam Ismail
- ABS - or is it Pure BS Jason Willgruber
- Chicago trs-80s Tony Duell
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS/wheel sensors Jason Willgruber
- ! Heads Up ! -- System becoming available Lawrence Walker
- Chicago trs-80s Lawrence Walker
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS/wheel sensors Jason Willgruber
- Chicago trs-80s Mike
- Industrial PeeCee John Lawson
- Chicago trs-80s Ward D. Griffiths III
- Chicago trs-80s Ward D. Griffiths III
- OT: ABS - or is it Pure BS/wheel sensors Merle K. Peirce
- Chicago trs-80s Ward D. Griffiths III
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Allison J Parent
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Allison J Parent
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- Timonium Hamfest Uncle Roger
- Last Chance for GRiDPad's Uncle Roger
- Timonium Hamfest Geoff Roberts
- Identify this vector Graphics machine George Rachor
- Identify this vector Graphics machine Marvin
- Wednesday, 7 April 1999
- Thursday, 8 April 1999
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Microsoft is about to arrest me! Brian Mahoney
- Q-bus pinout Chuck McManis
- SoCal TRW Swap and DEC Open House Mike Ford
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- Microsoft is about to arrest me! Mike Ford
- Q-bus pinout Pete Turnbull
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Eric Smith
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Eric Smith
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- A little OT? Sun PS questions... Ethan Dicks
- SoCal TRW Swap and DEC Open House Ethan Dicks
- Rotting away Ethan Dicks
- FW: PDP-11/83 looking for good home Ethan Dicks
- SoCal TRW Swap and DEC Open House Sellam Ismail
- potholes Charles E. Fox
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Sellam Ismail
- Microsoft is about to arrest me! Sellam Ismail
- Fooling with floppy drives Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) allisonp_at_world.std.com
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture allisonp_at_world.std.com
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Bill Pechter
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture allisonp_at_world.std.com
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Bill Pechter
- Fooling with floppy drives Richard Erlacher
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Fooling with floppy drives SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Floppy disk life (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) James Willing
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away Ethan Dicks
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away Joe
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away Arfon Gryffydd
- Fooling with floppy drives Joe
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Joe
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away allisonp_at_world.std.com
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away William Donzelli
- Lisp, the machine language. Was Re: Hallelujah! William Donzelli
- Several things Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- potholes Steve Robertson
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Richard Erlacher
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- Fooling with floppy drives Sellam Ismail
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away Eric Smith
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Richard Erlacher
- Fooling with floppy drives Richard Erlacher
- Fooling with floppy drives SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Joe
- sending you a book? END USER
- Floppy Drive operation (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Chuck McManis
- Several things Merle K. Peirce
- Fooling with floppy drives Steve Robertson
- Classic Adventures Uncle Roger
- Classic Adventures Clint Wolff
- Fooling with floppy drives Dwight Elvey
- Flopyy disk. Dean Billing
- vacuum tube circuits Lawrence LeMay
- Hallelujah! Dean Billing
- looking for a multibus memory card Lawrence LeMay
- Apple GCR Tony Duell
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Q-bus pinout Tony Duell
- Fooling with floppy drives Richard Erlacher
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Richard Erlacher
- 2901s was Re: Rotting away Tony Duell
- Several things Tony Duell
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- Request for Assistance: Houston, Texas Sellam Ismail
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- bringing up an 8f... Allison J Parent
- Fooling with floppy drives Marvin
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- WTB: TRIMM DA523-331 Jerome Fine
- Rotting away Roger Merchberger
- Q-bus pinout Chuck McManis
- Microsoft is about to arrest me! Robert Lund
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Ward D. Griffiths III
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! John Lewczyk
- Friday, 9 April 1999
- Oops! Bill Yakowenko
- Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... jpero_at_cgocable.net
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Richard Erlacher
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Mike Ford
- Microsoft is about to arrest me! Geoff Roberts
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- Parity (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Ethan Dicks
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Daniel A. Seagraves
- Fooling with floppy drives allisonp_at_world.std.com
- homemade computer for fun and experience... CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Rotting away Ethan Dicks
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Parity (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) allisonp_at_world.std.com
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Geoff Roberts
- Fooling with floppy drives SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! John Foust
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Cameron Kaiser
- Floppy and Hard disc questions.... Arfon Gryffydd
- OT was [RANTISH Programming Stupidity] Steve Robertson
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Christian Fandt
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Parity (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Richard Erlacher
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Huw Davies
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity John Ruschmeyer
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Floppy and Hard disc questions.... Richard Erlacher
- Floppy and Hard disc questions.... Marvin
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Marvin
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Chuck McManis
- Fwd: Unisys system avail Uncle Roger
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Derek Peschel
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Chuck McManis
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! John Foust
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Lawrence LeMay
- Parity Fred Cisin
- BTI machines Re: [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Christian Fandt
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Tony Duell
- Mark-8 Computer - Alive and Ticking! Christian Fandt
- Q-bus pinout Tony Duell
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Sellam Ismail
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- homemade computer for fun and experience... Tony Duell
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Tony Duell
- OT was [RANTISH Programming Stupidity] Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- Old 6809-based games (was Re: Rotting away) Eric Smith
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Max Eskin
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Roger Merchberger
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Max Eskin
- Stan Veits book Steve Robertson
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Derek Peschel
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Fred Cisin
- Fooling with floppy drives Tony Duell
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Max Eskin
- Classic (computer literacy textbook) Max Eskin
- microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) George Rachor
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Chuck McManis
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Fred Cisin
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Fred Cisin
- NEC APC III Fred Cisin
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion David Williams
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Cameron Kaiser
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion R. Stricklin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Cameron Kaiser
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Paul Passmore
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion Jeffrey l Kaneko
- OT: Microsoft, again! Joe
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Max Eskin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Max Eskin
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 1/4 floppies) Max Eskin
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Chuck McManis
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion David Williams
- NEC APC III Jason Willgruber
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion R. Stricklin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Ethan Dicks
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Tony Duell
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion David Williams
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Tony Duell
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion David Williams
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Eric Smith
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Tony Duell
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Fred Cisin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Cameron Kaiser
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- NEC APC III Jason Willgruber
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Megan
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion Merle K. Peirce
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Max Eskin
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Joe
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Zane H. Healy
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Chuck McManis
- Odd board find John Ruschmeyer
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Allison J Parent
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Allison J Parent
- Fooling with floppy drives Mike Ford
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Mike Ford
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity Geoff Roberts
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion Geoff Roberts
- Saturday, 10 April 1999
- PDP-8 lineage Chuck McManis
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Sellam Ismail
- 8/E PSU resolution Chuck McManis
- Mac Media Players Jason Willgruber
- Identify this vector Graphics machine George Rachor
- Heathkit H-8 questions bluoval
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Sellam Ismail
- Odd board find Sellam Ismail
- Heathkit H-8 questions Paul Passmore
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- Heathkit H-8 questions Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 5 Richard Erlacher
- Mac Media Players Mike Ford
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Zane H. Healy
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Sellam Ismail
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Sellam Ismail
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Geoff Roberts
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Eric Smith
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Eric Smith
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Gareth Knight
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Jon
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Lawrence Walker
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Charles P. Hobbs
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Steve Robertson
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Richard Erlacher
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Richard Erlacher
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion David Williams
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp James L. Rice
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Bill Pechter
- Identify this vector Graphics machine Joe
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Dave Dameron
- Heathkit H-8 questions Paul Passmore
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Zane H. Healy
- Variac Dave Dameron
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs John Rollins
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Allison J Parent
- PDP-8 lineage Allison J Parent
- 8/E PSU resolution Allison J Parent
- Heathkit H-8 questions Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Allison J Parent
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs ss_at_allegro.com
- source for foam filter material Lawrence LeMay
- source for foam filter material Richard Erlacher
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Max Eskin
- PICK OS Max Eskin
- source for foam filter material Russ Blakeman
- source for foam filter material Russ Blakeman
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- 1518 and 1538, full manual for both wanted. jpero_at_cgocable.net
- 8/E PSU resolution Chuck McManis
- Variac Sellam Ismail
- 8/E PSU resolution Tony Duell
- source for foam filter material Zane H. Healy
- seagate st1280n emanuel stiebler
- source for foam filter material Sellam Ismail
- PICK OS Derek Peschel
- Variac Tony Duell
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Bill Pechter
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Bill Pechter
- source for foam filter material Bill Pechter
- 1518 and 1538, full manual for both wanted. Don Maslin
- source for foam filter material Tony Duell
- PICK OS Merle K. Peirce
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- 8/E PSU resolution Allison J Parent
- Micropolis 1518 and 1538, full manual for both wanted. jpero_at_cgocable.net
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Allison J Parent
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp emanuel stiebler
- Odd board find John Ruschmeyer
- 8/E PSU resolution Megan
- source for foam filter material Daniel T. Burrows
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs Megan
- seagate st1280n Daniel T. Burrows
- source for foam filter material bluoval
- 8/E PSU resolution Tony Duell
- PCMCIA John Ruschmeyer
- 8/E PSU resolution Megan
- 8/E PSU resolution Tony Duell
- PCMCIA SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- new hamfest additions SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- source for foam filter material Lawrence LeMay
- seagate st1280n emanuel stiebler
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Jerome Fine
- Parting out PDP-8a jeff.kaneko_at_juno.com
- Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings jpero_at_cgocable.net
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Lawrence Walker
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings jeff.kaneko_at_juno.com
- GeoWorks -- Commodore/Apple/PC? Cameron Kaiser
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Eric Smith
- GeoWorks -- Commodore/Apple/PC? SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings jpero_at_cgocable.net
- PICK OS Geoff Roberts
- Tutti 0.2a Tomy Tutor emulator relased Cameron Kaiser
- Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings Jerome Fine
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- PCMCIA Richard Erlacher
- Parting out PDP-8a Chuck McManis
- Micropolis 1518 Jumper Settings Richard Erlacher
- Sunday, 11 April 1999
- GeoWorks -- Commodore/Apple/PC? Jason Willgruber
- Micropolis 1518 and 1538, full manual for both wanted. Don Maslin
- Heathkit H-8 again bluoval
- Heathkit H-8 again bluoval
- PICK OS Huw Davies
- PICK OS Olminkhof
- PICK OS Bill Pechter
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- TI99: Re: DAEMON mail Allison J Parent
- PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout) Tony Duell
- Parting out PDP-8a Tony Duell
- PCMCIA Chandra Bajpai
- source for foam filter material Richard A. Cini, Jr.
- Speaking of Tandy & TRS-80 (was: Re: What if,... early PCs James L. Rice
- source for foam filter material James L. Rice
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Pete Turnbull
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Chicago trs-80s Ward Donald Griffiths III
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- PR1ME 2550 Up and Running Geoff Roberts
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- source for foam filter material Christian Fandt
- PICK OS Max Eskin
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Pete Turnbull
- OT: copying OS/2 Warp Max Eskin
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Fred Cisin
- PICK OS Fred Cisin
- PDP11's TU10's and Write rings Bill Pechter
- source for foam filter material Tony Duell
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Fred Cisin
- PICK OS Lance Lyon
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Parting out PDP-8a Ethan Dicks
- Parting out PDP-8a Megan
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- Restoring an 8/E Chuck McManis
- PICK OS - I know it well... Jay West
- Micropolis 1518 and 1538 - update (still problems) jpero_at_cgocable.net
- Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts Christian Fandt
- Micropolis 1518/1538 (24MHz) drive problems jpero_at_cgocable.net
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- Restoring an 8/E Tony Duell
- Restoring an 8/E Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- PICK OS - I know it well... Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Pete Turnbull
- Restoring an 8/E Chuck McManis
- GeoWorks -- Commodore/Apple/PC? Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- 8/E cable handling? Chuck McManis
- Micropolis 1518 and 1538 - update (still problems) Don Maslin
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Pete Turnbull
- PICK OS - I know it well... Max Eskin
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Richard Erlacher
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- 8/E cable handling? Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans John Lewczyk
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- 8/E cable handling? Chuck McManis
- Restoring an 8/E Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- 8/E cable handling? Tony Duell
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Cameron Kaiser
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Cameron Kaiser
- PR1ME 2550 Up and Running John Lawson
- GeoWorks -- Commodore/Apple/PC? Jason Willgruber
- Fwd: Metric conversions..?? Christian Fandt
- Fwd: Metric conversions..?? Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Conversions etc. John Lawson
- Pick History Was: Re: PICK OS - I know it well... Christian Fandt
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- IBM diagnostic cassette <?> SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Fwd: Metric conversions..?? Christian Fandt
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Merle K. Peirce
- More Pick info (was Prime 2250) Jay West
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- More Pick info (was Prime 2250) John Lawson
- 8080 - 4004 - 8051 Historical Software Source Site! (fwd) Don Maslin
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Pick History Was: Re: PICK OS - I know it well... Sellam Ismail
- IBM diagnostic cassette <?> Sellam Ismail
- Monday, 12 April 1999
- IBM diagnostic cassette <?> Jason Willgruber
- Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts Hans Franke
- Victor 80286 (Lap-Top) vischer_at_access.ch
- PCMCIA John Ruschmeyer
- PR1ME 2550 Up and Running Steve Robertson
- PICK OS - I know it well... Steve Robertson
- Several things Hans Franke
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) allisonp_at_world.std.com
- More Pick info (was Prime 2250) Cameron Kaiser
- C for 6502 John Foust
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans John Foust
- Old Nicolet boxes... John Foust
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- C for 6502 Cameron Kaiser
- C for 6502 David Williams
- C for 6502 John Foust
- C for 6502 David Williams
- C for 6502 Cameron Kaiser
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- C for 6502 David Williams
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Christian Fandt
- Restoring an 8/E Daniel T. Burrows
- C for 6502 Hans Franke
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Hans Franke
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Dwight Elvey
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Tony Duell
- Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- Hallelujah! Hans Franke
- Columne orientated programming (was: Hallelujah!) Hans Franke
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Richard Erlacher
- Restoring an 8/E Tony Duell
- Hallelujah! Derek Peschel
- Hallelujah! Frank W. Zammetti
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Mike Ford
- Restoring an 8/E Daniel T. Burrows
- Hallelujah! Hans Franke
- 6502 vs Z80, round 97 Mike Ford
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Sellam Ismail
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Restoring an 8/E CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM
- Restoring an 8/E Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Dwight Elvey
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Tony Duell
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Tony Duell
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Max Eskin
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- Hallelujah! Hans Franke
- Restoring an 8/E Daniel T. Burrows
- digital bites the dust, finally Lawrence Walker
- digital bites the dust, finally Lawrence Walker
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Lawrence Walker
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Lawrence Walker
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Lawrence Walker
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hall Lawrence Walker
- What if,... early PCs (was: stepping machanism Merle K. Peirce
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Joe
- Therac-25 (was: microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture) LordTyran
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Merle K. Peirce
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) George Currie
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Sellam Ismail
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Derek Peschel
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Paul Passmore
- [RANTISH] Programming Stupidity, useless errors, et al. LordTyran
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Cameron Kaiser
- digital bites the dust, finally David C. Jenner
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Lawrence Walker
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Lawrence Walker
- digital bites the dust, finally Sellam Ismail
- VERY OT: Win'98 splash screen Lawrence Walker
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Cameron Kaiser
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Chuck McManis
- WTTA (Want To Throw Away): DEC PMAG-AA Paul Kearns
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Cameron Kaiser
- 6502 vs Z80, round 97 Richard Erlacher
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Chuck McManis
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Allison J Parent
- White on blue (was Re: Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: ss_at_allegro.com
- IBM diagnostic cassette <?> Charles Oblender
- Fw: Getting rid of old stuff... Francois
- IBM diagnostic cassette <.?> SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Pete Turnbull
- Fwd: Metric conversions..?? Pete Turnbull
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Derek Peschel
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 floppies) Pete Turnbull
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Jay Jaeger
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! mike
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Joe
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Dwight Elvey
- digital bites the dust, finally Will Emerson
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- 6502 vs Z80, round 97 Mike Ford
- Restoring an 8/E jax
- stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4 Allison J Parent
- digital bites the dust, finally Allison J Parent
- Restoring an 8/E Megan
- Round 98 (was Re: 6502 vs Z80, round 97) Eric Smith
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Walt
- VERY OT: Win'98 splash screen Eric Smith
- Moving REALLY BIG IRON... Megan
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Ward D. Griffiths III
- ABS - or is it Pure BS RICCARDO
- Sigh. Bringing up a PDP-8/M Chuck McManis
- Description: Catalog of 11/45 Cards Installed Buck Savage
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Zane H. Healy
- Description: Catalog of 11/45 Cards Installed Kevin McQuiggin
- Description: Catalog of 11/45 Cards Installed Kevin McQuiggin
- Sigh. Bringing up a PDP-8/M Geoff Roberts
- Pink Screen of Death? (was: Re: Hallelujah!) Jason Willgruber
- Computer Storage Geoff Roberts
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- Software collectors list Mike Ford
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Eric Smith
- Moving REALLY BIG IRON... James Willing
- Round 98 (was Re: 6502 vs Z80, round 97) Mike Ford
- VERY OT: Win'98 splash screen Mike Ford
- Tuesday, 13 April 1999
- Wednesday, 14 April 1999
- Thursday, 15 April 1999
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Sellam Ismail
- More odd things: HP150 Karl Maftoum
- Trenton Computer Festivalt Mike Ford
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Mike Ford
- Sigh. Bringing up a PDP-8/M Dave Dameron
- Salvage (was Re: OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! Hey!) Ethan Dicks
- Has anybody heard from Wirehead? Francois
- Has anybody heard from Wirehead? SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Lawrence LeMay
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! James Willing
- step signal on 8" floppy drive John Foust
- [OT] <10 yo DG Aviion William Donzelli
- 8" drive on a pc controller Fred Cisin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Philip.Belben_at_powertech.co.uk
- Can someone identify some boards? Megan Gentry
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He allisonp_at_world.std.com
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- OT: Religious Festivals (was:Re: Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts) Philip.Belben_at_powertech.co.uk
- Several things Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Sellam Ismail
- Can someone identify some boards? Daniel T. Burrows
- IBM Programmed Symbols Adapter Philip.Belben_at_powertech.co.uk
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Marvin
- Vintage Computer Festival Announcement! Sellam Ismail
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He John Ruschmeyer
- Salvage (was Re: OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! Hey!) jpero_at_cgocable.net
- Ebay: Mark-8 results Marvin
- Ebay: PDP-8 Core Memory Marvin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Daniel T. Burrows
- ebay: 3" Diskettes Marvin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He jpero_at_cgocable.net
- Sigh. Bringing up a PDP-8/M Tony Duell
- step signal on 8" floppy drive Tony Duell
- 8" drive on a pc controller Don Maslin
- Can someone identify some boards? Megan
- Remove My Email Address From the Classiccmp List MICHAEL PARADISO
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- OT: City Names Hans Franke
- OT: Religious Festivals (was:Re: Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts) Hans Franke
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He John Ruschmeyer
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Mike Ford
- Several things Tony Duell
- OT: Welfare state morality Max Eskin
- Salvage (was Re: OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! Hey!) Tony Duell
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He jpero_at_cgocable.net
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He jpero_at_cgocable.net
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Mike Ford
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He John Foust
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Arfon Gryffydd
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Fred Cisin
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Lawrence LeMay
- OT: Welfare state morality Lawrence Walker
- Salvage (was Re: OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! Hey!) bluoval
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Hans Franke
- OT: Welfare state morality Tony Duell
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Max Eskin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Max Eskin
- OT: Welfare state morality Max Eskin
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Max Eskin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Max Eskin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Merle K. Peirce
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Fred Cisin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Lawrence LeMay
- OT: Welfare state morality Tony Duell
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Tony Duell
- OT: Welfare state morality jpero_at_cgocable.net
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Bill Pechter
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Sellam Ismail
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Max Eskin
- 8" drive on a pc controller Bill Sudbrink
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Merle K. Peirce
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Merle K. Peirce
- NEC APC III Dean Davidson
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Max Eskin
- OT: Welfare state morality Max Eskin
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Allison J Parent
- OT: Welfare state morality Allison J Parent
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Megan
- MINIMUM Requirements (Was: OT: Re: Time to declare Fred Cisin
- Xerox System 60? Sellam Ismail
- MINIMUM Requirements (Was: OT: Re: Time to declare KFergason_at_aol.com
- 8" drive on a pc controller Don Maslin
- OT: Welfare state morality Don Maslin
- PET rediscoveries and questions Ethan Dicks
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Ethan Dicks
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? jeff.kaneko_at_juno.com
- Worst of Both Worlds (IMPORTANT) Rick Bensene
- Friday, 16 April 1999
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- 8" drive on a pc controller Richard Erlacher
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Geoff Roberts
- Computer Museum History Center Derek Peschel
- Remove My Email Address From the Classiccmp List Derek Peschel
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Eric Smith
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Mike Ford
- Recliners by Iron Mountain Mike Ford
- OT: City Names Athanasios Kotsenos
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Athanasios Kotsenos
- More InnfoGraphics auction listings in Portland, OR, USA Innfogra_at_aol.com
- Afe of CD (was: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He) Hans Franke
- OT: Re: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He Merle K. Peirce
- OT: Welfare state morality Merle K. Peirce
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Arfon Gryffydd
- OT: Welfare state morality Ward D. Griffiths III
- Power Outlets Hans Franke
- OT: Religious Festivals (was:Re: Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts) Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- OT: Welfare state morality Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Richard Erlacher
- OT: City Names Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Richard Erlacher
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Richard Erlacher
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Richard Erlacher
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Richard Erlacher
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Clint Wolff
- OT: City Names Arfon Gryffydd
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Arfon Gryffydd
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Ethan Dicks
- 30 pin simms, not so hard to find. Richard Erlacher
- Hardware kicks (was: Software collectors list) Hans Franke
- Afe of CD (was: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He) Fred Cisin
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Hans Franke
- Another item to identify Megan Gentry
- OT: Language and Power Frequency Arfon Gryffydd
- OT: Power Frequency Arfon Gryffydd
- Power Frequency Geoff Roberts
- OT: Welfare state morality John Lawson
- OT: Welfare state morality Tony Duell
- Afe of CD (was: Time to declare State of Massachusetts the ENEMY! He) Max Eskin
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Tony Duell
- OT: City Names Max Eskin
- OT: City Names William Donzelli
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- Another item to identify CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- OT: Welfare state morality Max Eskin
- Signal detection Max Eskin
- OT: Power Frequency Hans Franke
- OT: Language and Power Frequency Hans Franke
- Signal detection Max Eskin
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- Another item to identify allisonp_at_world.std.com
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- z80 timing... 6502 timing allisonp_at_world.std.com
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- Signal detection CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- Signal detection Cameron Kaiser
- OT: Religious Festivals (was:Re: Fwd: H8 Enthusiasts) Hans Franke
- OT: City Names Hans Franke
- OT: Welfare state morality Hans Franke
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- OT: City Names Don Maslin
- 8" drive on a pc controller Don Maslin
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Don Maslin
- Round 98 (was Re: 6502 vs Z80, round 97) Hans Franke
- Signal detection CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- Signal detection Tony Duell
- Signal detection Hans Franke
- Will The Grand Master Of Disk Controllers step foreward? Richard Erlacher
- OT: Welfare state morality Allison J Parent
- AMPRO LITTLE BOARD, etc. Allison J Parent
- 8" drive on a pc controller Allison J Parent
- Signal detection Allison J Parent
- Signal detection Allison J Parent
- Another item to identify Megan
- temporarily unsubscribing Max Eskin
- 8" drive on a pc controller Richard Erlacher
- AMPRO LITTLE BOARD, etc. Richard Erlacher
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Geoff Roberts
- OT: City Names Merle K. Peirce
- OT: Welfare state morality Mike Ford
- Has anybody heard from Wirehead? Francois
- OT: City Names Sellam Ismail
- Signal detection Sellam Ismail
- OT: Welfare state morality Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- DEC RA81 need quick answer Zane H. Healy
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- DEC RA81 need quick answer Huw Davies
- OT Re: Signal detection Lawrence Walker
- OT: Welfare state morality Lawrence Walker
- Several things Bill Yakowenko
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Bill Yakowenko
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Bill Yakowenko
- OT: Welfare state morality Carlos Murillo
- Saturday, 17 April 1999
- Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- Don Lancaster was Re: Ebay Mark-8 Plans Bill Yakowenko
- OT: City Names Don Maslin
- *.cam files Jason Willgruber
- x86, x86 everywhere, but... (was OT: Re: Time to declare State of MA) Bill Yakowenko
- OT: Welfare state morality Mike Ford
- OT: Welfare state morality Mike Ford
- All this OT stuff... Bruce Lane
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Eric Smith
- OT: City Names Mike Ford
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Eric Smith
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Mike Ford
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- Kaypro (fwd) Sellam Ismail
- Apple HAL XEBEC controller Pete Turnbull
- How to read recalcitrant floppies? PG Manney
- OT: Power Frequency Charles E. Fox
- *.cam files Michael Passer
- DEC RA81 need quick answer Bill Pechter
- Dumb OS question Olminkhof
- Unused Registers Was Re: OT: City Names Merle K. Peirce
- OT: City Names Merle K. Peirce
- Dumb OS question CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.com
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- Coding chanllange (was: z80 timing... 6502 timing) Richard Erlacher
- 8" drive on a pc controller Allison J Parent
- AMPRO LITTLE BOARD, etc. Allison J Parent
- Power Frequency Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- OT: Welfare state morality LordTyran
- x86, x86 everywhere, but... (was OT: Re: Time to declare State of MA) LordTyran
- z80 timing... 6502 timing KFergason_at_aol.com
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) LordTyran
- Coding chanllange (was: z80 timing... 6502 timing) Hans Franke
- Dumb OS question Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- Coding chanllange (was: z80 timing... 6502 timing) Hans Franke
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing jax
- Power Frequency Hans Franke
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Dave Dameron
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- OT: City Names Merle K. Peirce
- Power Frequency Merle K. Peirce
- OT: City Names Gareth Knight
- Power Frequency Tony Duell
- DEC RA81 need quick answer Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- OT Re: Signal detection Tony Duell
- Several things Tony Duell
- Apple HAL XEBEC controller Richard Erlacher
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- How to read recalcitrant floppies? Ethan Dicks
- OT: Welfare state morality Tony Duell
- x86, x86 everywhere, but... (was OT: Re: Time to declare State Tony Duell
- *.cam files Jason Willgruber
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing jax
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- Power Frequency Geoff Roberts
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- OT: City Names Don Maslin
- x86, x86 everywhere, but... (was OT: Re: Time to declare State of MA) Don Maslin
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner
- Apple HAL XEBEC controller Sellam Ismail
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- How to read recalcitrant floppies? Fred Cisin
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk LordTyran
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- FM, MFM, and GCR channel codes (was Re: stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive) Mark
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) jpero_at_cgocable.net
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- unsubscribing/resubscribing Jason Willgruber
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- Burroughs 205 anyone??? (fwd) Sellam Ismail
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk Ethan Dicks
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Sellam Ismail
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- x86, x86 everywhere, but... (was OT: Re: Time to declare State Ethan Dicks
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk LordTyran
- Coding competitions Chuck McManis
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- All this OT stuff... Christian Fandt
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk Ethan Dicks
- OT: City Names Geoff Roberts
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk LordTyran
- Ancient disk controllers Ethan Dicks
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk Mark Gregory
- NAB Vegas (on topic) John Lawson
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk Ethan Dicks
- Amiga 2000HD Hard disk LordTyran
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- Dumb OS question Eric Smith
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- How to read recalcitrant floppies? Jerome Fine
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Hans Franke
- CP/M as an RTOS (was Re: Dumb OS question) Eric Smith
- Undocumented 8085 opcodes? (was Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing) Eric Smith
- Ancient disk controllers Richard Erlacher
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Tony Duell
- CMOS 6502 variants (was Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing) Eric Smith
- Ancient disk controllers Tony Duell
- Ancient disk controllers Eric Smith
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Hans Franke
- Dumb OS question Jerome Fine
- Ancient disk controllers Ethan Dicks
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Ethan Dicks
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Sellam Ismail
- OT: City Names Bill Yakowenko
- shipping floppy disk drives Bill Yakowenko
- Signal detection Bill Yakowenko
- shipping floppy disk drives SUPRDAVE_at_aol.com
- OT: K&R vs. ANSI C (was: Re: Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail?...) Bill Yakowenko
- OT Was z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- CP/M as an RTOS (was Re: Dumb OS question) Allison J Parent
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Allison J Parent
- Ancient disk controllers Richard Erlacher
- Using HP-UX, the book Mike Ford
- Education vs. School (was Re: OT: City Names) Marvin
- Another identification needed... Megan
- z80 timing... 6502 timing Richard Erlacher
- How to read recalcitrant floppies? Marvin
- Ancient disk controllers Richard Erlacher
- Bad form... Megan
- Sunday, 18 April 1999
- Monday, 19 April 1999
- Tuesday, 20 April 1999
- Wednesday, 21 April 1999
- Thursday, 22 April 1999
- Friday, 23 April 1999
- Saturday, 24 April 1999
- Sunday, 25 April 1999
- Monday, 26 April 1999
- Simon, The First Personal Computer Doug
- Highgate's PDP-8 Web Page Updated! Kevin McQuiggin
- PC question Brian Mahoney
- PC question Marvin
- RARE: Original Macintosh found!! Zane H. Healy
- RARE: Original Macintosh found!! Mark Gregory
- TWR Swap Meet Sellam Ismail
- Old computer books? Oh, we shred them! Lawrence Walker
- PC question Lawrence Walker
- PC question Lawrence Walker
- PC Jr PG Manney
- NEC APC III Boot Disk Olminkhof
- Simon, The First Personal Computer John Foust
- PC question jpero_at_pop.cgocable.net
- PC question Hans Franke
- PC question Hans Franke
- Old computer books? Oh, we shred them! Phil Guerney
- PC question allisonp_at_world.std.com
- It's Alive!!! Jerome Fine
- GEM GPL'd? David Wollmann
- PC question Fred Cisin
- DEC documentation RUMOR???? Clint Wolff
- Power connectors Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Powerlines Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- PC question Marvin
- observation on IBM PC question Marvin
- How scarce (valuable) is core for the PDP-8? Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Good Weekend, bad weekend... Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com
- Old computer books? Oh, we shred them! Chuck McManis
- observation on IBM PC question Brian Mahoney
- Removing paint & magic marker graffiti from computer cases Aaron Christopher Finney
- PC question Tony Duell
- TWR Swap Meet Aaron Christopher Finney
- PC question Tony Duell
- PC question Tony Duell
- FW: VAX 6500 in Minneapolis. Unusual systems
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Chuck McManis
- Powerlines Daniel T. Burrows
- Cores, light bulb goes on ... Chuck McManis
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Chuck McManis
- HP 1000 on eBay : auctioned by unresponsive bidder ss_at_allegro.com
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Cameron Kaiser
- HP 1000 on eBay : auctioned by unresponsive bidder Chuck McManis
- How scarce (valuable) is core for the PDP-8? Allison J Parent
- Cores, light bulb goes on ... Allison J Parent
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Hans Franke
- RARE: Original Macintosh found!! Max Eskin
- PC question Max Eskin
- PC question Max Eskin
- Cores, light bulb goes on ... Dwight Elvey
- PC Jr Marvin
- DEC documentation RUMOR???? Eric Smith
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Eric Smith
- Powerlines Eric Smith
- Some things make me want to toss my cookies ... Hans Franke
- Old computer books? Oh, we shred them! Sellam Ismail
- Power connectors Sellam Ismail
- HP1000M Jay West
- PC question Tony Duell
- Powerlines Daniel T. Burrows
- TWR Swap Meet Sellam Ismail
- Powerlines rws
- More pdp-8 Docs Added Kevin McQuiggin
- PC Jr Sellam Ismail
- Powerlines Don Maslin
- TRW Swaps/CompuCrawls John Lawson
- Powerlines Geoff Roberts
- Tuesday, 27 April 1999
- Wednesday, 28 April 1999
- Thursday, 29 April 1999
- Friday, 30 April 1999
- Last message date: Fri Apr 30 1999 - 20:39:52 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:31:47 BST