off-the-wall question (possibly OT)

From: Joe <>
Date: Fri Apr 2 10:29:48 1999


  I've never heard a relay machine in operation but I've heard lots of
telephone co switch rooms with the old stepping relays in opertation. I
imagine the sound must be similar.


At 02:27 AM 4/2/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anybody here ever heard a relay machine running, like one
>of the early Zuse machines or the Harvard Mark-1? It occurred
>to me (please don't ridicule me too much for this*) that the
>sound of the robot in the old "Lost in Space" TV series may
>have been intended to sound like a relay machine. I've heard
>descriptions of them sounding like a thousand women knitting,
>which could sort-of describe that robot sound-effect as well...
> Cheers,
> Bill.
>* I guess you should ridicule me just the right amount. :-)
Received on Fri Apr 02 1999 - 10:29:48 BST

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