OT: Classic bicycles?

From: Max Eskin <max82_at_surfree.com>
Date: Fri Apr 2 19:11:02 1999

Does anybody here know of an old bicycle mailing list/message board?
Does anyone here use or have old bicycles? The reason why I ask is that I
found an old English bike, several decades old, and would like to know
when it was produced, etc. It's certainly a lovely bike, black with gold
trim, in perfect condition after I washed off the dust.

My two functional questions:
1) Can I use WD-40 on non-moving parts to keep them from rusting?

2) The thing has one of those 3-speed in-hub gear shifters but the cable
and handle are missing. Therefore, the little chain is retracted into the
hub. Is it in 1st speed or 3rd speed? Does anyone have any extra 3-speed
switch handles :)

--Max Eskin (max82_at_surfree.com)
Received on Fri Apr 02 1999 - 19:11:02 BST

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