microcode, compilers, and supercomputer architecture
> It may be that compilable languages are defined for the purpose of
> providing for microcode but, that would mean that the sequence of
> microinstructions is generally not predictable from the source code of the
> program thus translated.
Are you trying to claim that a microcode compiler is non-deterministic?
This seems like a dubious proposition, given that there are generally no
calls to a PRNG.
The only deliberately non-deterministic development tool I've ever used was
a Xilinx FPGA fitter. Somehow it seemed reminiscent of the bogosort
> Maximisation of processor throughput, and minimization of
> microinstruction count, is at least half the purpose of microprogramming.
Sure. And the microcode compilers I've written and used are much better
at optimizing horizontal microcode than I have the time or patience to do
by hand.
> For such optimisation to be effected, on must necessarily write directly
> in microcode, either bit and byte streams, or coded as in assembly
> languages.
No, it doesn't. Microcode almost always has a lot of data dependencies,
which means that a compiler can often do as well as a human at optimizing
> In any case, the use of a language translator always
> results in a reduction of process throughput.
Compilers only get inefficient when:
1) The source language is semantically far-removed from the object
language, or
2) There are sufficiently few data dependencies that there is a wide
range of possible instruction scheduling options. Compilers are only
starting to get smart about interprocedural optimization.
For a microcode compiler, neither of these conditions are met. The source
language is specifically created to be conceptually and semantically similar
to the operations available in the hardware, but with a lot of the detail
taken care of automatically (by default, but can be overridden).
> Recall that microcode involves the establishment of timing signals
> at critical control points within electronic circuits and, the selection of
> data paths within those circuits. Given this fact, there seems little
> reason to leave the efficiency of microcode up to the accuracy of
> a language translator, which we all know to be generally less
> accurate that the results obtained by a skilled human programmer.
I beg to differ. The output of microcode compilers I've dealt with has
been substantially more accurate than hand-written "assembly" microcode,
requiring far less debugging.
> I would be grateful to learn from you of the tools you used in the
> preparation of microcode.
I've written and used microcode compilers since the early '80s, all for
custom horizontally-microcoded machines. The compilers I've written have
been based on fairly straightforward utilization of lex and yacc (or flex
and bison).
> All of the work I did was in graduate
> school in the early 90's, and to date I have not seen a single
> job made available to a microprogrammer type. I would really love
> to have an opportunity to perform this kind of work as a job function.
Get a job at Intel, AMD, NS/Cyrix, or Rise. :-)
Microprogramming is almost a lost art. Things that used to be microprogrammed
are now implemented using RISC processors and C code. Of course, basic RISC
processor architecture (e.g., Stanford MIPS-X) is not that far removed from
vertical microcoding.
> As for the i860, sure, it is not actually the equal of a Cray-1 but, the
> architecture is equal to that of the processor section of the Cray-1.
You must be using some strange definition of "equal to" with which I was
formerly unacquainted. You might just as easily claim that the architecture
of the VAX 11/780 is "equal to" that of the IBM 3033. After all, both have
sixteen 32-bit integer general registers.
And in fact, compared to the differences between a Cray 1 and an i860,
the differences between the VAX 11/780 and the IBM 3033 are minor. But
I've never heard anyone claim that they shared the same architecture.
The Cray 1 is a vector processor. The i860 is a scalar processor with a
special dual-dispatch mode that can only be used by code specially written (or
compiled) to take advantage of it, and in dual-dispatch mode it can only
dispatch exactly one integer and one floating point instruction per cycle, in
an aligned dual-word instruction pair. This is arguably too primitive to even
be called superscalar, let alone vector.
> Further, I should like to know in what ways you deem the Cray-1
> to differ from the i860, particularly with regard to the processor section.
A comparison of the Cray 1 assembly language programmer's manual (I don't
recall the exact title) with the i860 manual would reveal that there is almost
no similarity whatsoever. The register sets are different; the memory
addressing is different; the specific instructions provded are different;
basically everything is different. As such, I don't even know where to begin
in answering your question. It would perhaps be more useful to enumerate the
areas in which they are similar; it would be a short list.
> Have you actually used the i860?
Yes. I've written assembly code for it for signal and image processing.
In my spare time I wrote a program to compute Mandelbrot set images. I've
had somewhat more experience with the Cray XMP and YMP, although on those
I've generally relied on the C compiler under UNICOS, but I've studied the
assembly output and occasionally tweaked it. I haven't ever run any code
on a Cray-1, but the Cray-1 architecture is much closer to that of the
XMP than the i860.
It's been long enough since I used either the Cray or the i860 that I don't
recall the precise details. All my manuals for both are currently in storage.
Received on Sun Apr 04 1999 - 18:00:13 BST
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