
From: Christian Fandt <cfandt_at_netsync.net>
Date: Sun Apr 4 20:42:57 1999

Upon the date 02:00 PM 4/4/99 -0400, Allison J Parent said something like:
>16megs is the minimum to run W95 in my experience and it runs much better
>with 32m. It's a pig.
><My P200 machine, when with only 32 meg, swapped itself to pieces it seemed
><after a few days since a reboot even though I'd shut down all unused apps
><to run one. System resources still were not released. After kicking up to
><64 meg I now can go for several weeks until needing a restart to recover.
>It's called memory leaks. Seems some applications do not return resources
>to the pool as do some win95 drivers. often it can be tracked to one bad

And I have not yet found a memory leak 'cleanup' utility which could either
be run when needed or as a background app which would recover some of the

While spending a day learning more about this problem and hunting for
solutions I did find a program on ZDnet somewhere which flushes the disk
caches and thus helps slow down using up all the resources. Improved
performance a bit too.

>And to think my uVAXII is still running with the 9meg that I used to
>service a half dozen users plus network activity.

Well, that helps illustrate to the hard-core windoze fans what a Real
Operating System actually is :) And, to add another log onto the fire of
reason, your mention of drivers being a culprit illustrates how the Wintel
platform's driver development applications and/or sloppy writing of drivers
can contribute to the problem.

Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
        URL: http://www.ggw.org/awa
Received on Sun Apr 04 1999 - 20:42:57 BST

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