> ABS - American Bull Shi...
> I have noted one difficulty with ABS, and that is its failure to operate on
> snow
> and ice. Since I live in Southern California, I do not get that much snow
> but,
> in any quick application of my Mustang's breaks, on snow covered roads,
> they always seem to lock up. Well, the pumping action occurs but, at each
> application of the pump, I notice wheel lock-up. There is no stopping.
> William R. Buckley
Noted the same thing with my wife's Acura in New Jersey.
The bad news is (unlike the last two years) we usually get snow here.
Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.
Received on Mon Apr 05 1999 - 17:34:55 BST