TRS Coco Computers

From: Ward D. Griffiths III <>
Date: Tue Apr 6 14:11:09 1999

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Lawrence Walker wrote:

> Not to tax your brain cells overly Ward but I was just getting a color screen
> and no prompt from the 3. I checked inside breaking the seal and voiding my
> warranty ( :^) )and saw 4 sockected 4464 chips (mem ?) which I remounted and
> one large square one which I take is MMU or ROM. All the rest including the '09
> are flush mounted. I booted it again and the screen came up properly with a
> prompt. I did a print mem and it responded 24xxx . Is this normal because of
> banked memory or something or should I have gotten something closer to 128k
Received on Tue Apr 06 1999 - 14:11:09 BST

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