On Wed, 7 Apr 1999, Mike wrote:
> hmm.. also in looking through the xenix docs I see mentioned, the DT-1.
> I've got a PT-210 and pre-coco vidtex and have been looking for a DT-100 but
> dont remember the DT-1. What's it like?
The DT-100 = a relabeled Wyse 75.
The PT-210 was a sort of Silent 700 clone thermal hardcopy terminal
with acoustic modem.
The Vidtex terminal was basically a CoCo 1 with Vidtex ROM instead of
BASIC and a 300 bps modem built in.
The DT-1 was basically a terminal built into a diskless Model III
case painted white instead of black. I forget which all
terminals it emulated besides Adds 25, they were all terminals
featuring the magic cookie reverse video standout glitch. Good
bookkeeping terminals but they sucked for Scripsit-16.
Ward Griffiths
"the timid die just like the daring; and if you don't take the plunge then
you'll just take the fall" Michael Longcor
Received on Wed Apr 07 1999 - 11:53:04 BST