SoCal TRW Swap and DEC Open House

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Wed Apr 7 16:34:04 1999

On 7 Apr 99 at 17:04, John Lawson wrote:

> As promised last month... this month, April, on Saturday the
> 24th, I will offer hospitality and welcome to anyone wishing to
> view/play with/make bad jokes about my DEC collection. As many
> systems as I can get running will be 'on the air' (tho not all at
> once... zzzzzmp!) for your perusal and happiness. You can paw thru
> the junk and maybe find something you've wanted for months... we can
> trade... you can help me clean out the garage... (please....!)
> I will attend the TRW Swap Meet the morning of the 24th, and all
> are invited there, and immediately afterwards to the usual post-swap
> brunch-n-brag (around noon). Then I will travel to My Place, and any
> folk wishing to join in at any point in the day's activities are most
> welcome.
> We can party until Sunday night, if that's what you want. I have
> to be at work Monday morning, and so do you. Otherwise, it's
> unstructured.
> I would prefer to give directions privately, since where you are
> coming from will modify them. Please e-mail me if you think you
> might like to participate. It's completely informal, all are
> welcome, and if no one shows up, I'm gonna play with the machines
> all by myself. Directions will also be available from me at TRW.
> I know that several NorCal (Bay Area) listmembers [Sam?] told me
> they were going to try and make it down... let me know and we'll
> leave alll the lights on. :)
> Just a heads-up for all, and I encourage others in other locales to
> consider hosting a Compu-crawl for your area... it's a lot more
> interesting to me than Tupperware...
> Cheerz
> John

 Ah, at last I can not feel inadequate to you silicon valleyers. Kevin Stumph
of Computer Collectors book fame has invited Toronto Classic Computer
Collectors up to his place to view his Big Iron collection and share a BBQ in
June. Take that you spoiled CA chauvinist swine !!

ciao larry

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Received on Wed Apr 07 1999 - 16:34:04 BST

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