Upon the date 09:42 AM 4/9/99 -0700, Marvin said something like:
>Christian Fandt wrote:
>> Why? I'd like to see proof of that. That's a little unbelievable like some
>> of those strange amounts bid on sort-of common stuff on ePay.
>I'll give you proof once the money order arrives. The top three bidders were
Good luck, I'd like to see you get the bucks. He/she'll have to put-up or
shut-up ;)
>at $175, $190, and $190 and IIRC there were 19 bids. Since I have another
Yes, it was interesting to see how one has to be faster than the other
fellow when bidding on these type of auctions. Less than six minutes
separating the top two. Does add a bit of excitement for the onlookers :)
Gives you a chance to get the $190 if the winner backs out and the
second-place finisher is actually serious.
>copy, I was interested in seeing what would happen. SOmeone has also posted
>on ebay the Radio-Electronics plans that you had to send away for, and it
>will be *very* interesting to see what that brings.
Indeed so.
Hmmm, I could use the bucks (as I'm presently unemployed) so I have half a
mind to put my old R-E collection up for auction and see what ensues. My
wife is still looking for the other half of my mind <g>.
Thanks for the reply! Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Fri Apr 09 1999 - 13:07:05 BST