[OT] <10 yo DG Aviion

From: David Williams <dlw_at_trailingedge.com>
Date: Fri Apr 9 15:50:45 1999

I know this system isn't 10 years old yet, but a company I use to
work for gave me a 88000 based Data General Aviion. I believe it is
an AV 4625 model if I'm reading the back right. DG's site only
talks about P-II and P-III based Aviions with nothing about the
earlier 88000 based ones. Anyone have any web site pointers or
info on these for me? I'm currently hitting each of the main search
sites without much luck.


David Williams - Computer Packrat
Received on Fri Apr 09 1999 - 15:50:45 BST

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