PDP-8/E PSU Debugging (was Q-bus pinout)

From: CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM <(CLASSICCMP_at_trailing-edge.COM)>
Date: Fri Apr 9 19:21:51 1999

>Chuck McManis <cmcmanis_at_mcmanis.com> wrote:

>>Megan, was that a "long" 8/e or a "short" 8/e you recovered in your haul?
>>If it was a long one could you take a couple of pictures of the cover for

>What do you mean by a "long" 8/e... I thought the long box was the
>8/e and the short one (what Allison has) an 8/f.

I know that folks here have traiditionally objected to outside FAQ's
when instead the issue could be resolved by dozens of E-mails, but in
this case Doug Jone's *PDP-8 Summary of Models and Options* answers
the question of 8/E vs 8/F quite nicely:

Subject: What is a PDP-8/E?

Date of introduction: 1970 (during or before August).
Date of withdrawal: 1978.
Also known as:
        Industrial-8 (with a red color scheme)
        LAB-8/E (with a green color scheme)
Price: $6,500

Technology: SSI and MSI TTL logic were used on these boards, and the
        entire CPU fit on 3 boards. Nominally, these were DEC M-series
        flip Chip modules, but in a new large format, quad-high (10.5
        inch), extended-length (9 inch, including card-edge connector,
        excluding handles). The terms used for board height and length
        are based on the original working assumption that all flip-chips
        were plugged horizontally into a vertially mounted card-edge
        connector. On the PDP-8/E, the cards were plugged vertically
        down into a horizontally mounted connector, so many users
        incorrectly refer to these boards as quad-wide double-high.

        Interconnection between boards was through a new bus, the OMNIBUS.
        This eliminated the need for a wire-wrapped backplane, since all
        slots in the bus were wired identically. A new line of peripheral
        interfaces was produced, most being single cards that could be
        plugged directly into the inside the main enclosure. These
        included a set of posibus adapters allowing use of older
        peripherals on the new machine.

        Interboard connectors were needed for some multiboard options,
        including the CPU and memory subsystems. These used standard
        36-pin backplane connectors on the opposite side of the board
        from the backplane. Some boards, notably memory boards, had a
        total of 8 connector fingers, 4 for the omnibus and 4 for
        interboard connectors.

        The core memory cycle time was 1.2 or 1.4 microseconds, depending
        on whether a read-modify-write cycle was involved (a jumper would
        slow all cycles to 1.4 microseconds). A 4K core plane was
        packaged on a single quad-wide double-high board, with most of
        the drive electronics packed onto two adjacent boards. Soon after
        the machine was introduced, an 8K core plane was released in the
        same format.

Reason for introduction: The cost of the PDP-8/I and PDP-8/L was
        dominated by the cost of the interconnect wiring, and this cost
        was high as a result of the use of small circuit boards. By
        packing a larger number of chips per board, similar function
        could be attained in a smaller volume because less interboard
        communication was required. The PDP-8/E exploited this to achieve
        a new low in cost while attaining a new high in performance.

Reason for withdrawal: This machine was slowly displaced by the PDP-8/A
        as the market for large PDP-8 configurations declined in the face
        of pressure from 16 bit mini and microcomputers.

Compatability: As with the PDP-8/I and PDP-8/L, there are no limits on
        the combination of IAC and rotate instructions. Unlike the early
        machines, basic Group 3 OPR operations for loading and storing
        the MQ register work even if there is no extended arithmetic
        element. Finally, a new instruction was added, BSW; this swaps
        the left and right bytes in AC, and is encoded as a Group 1 OPR
        instruction using the "double the shift count bit".

        An odd quirk of this machine is that the RAL RAR combination ands
        the AC with the op-code, and the RTR RTL combination does an
        effective address computation loading the high 5 bits of AC with
        the current page and the lower bits of AC with the address field
        of the instruction itself!

        The EAE has a new mode, mode B. Previous EAE designs were
        single-mode. Mode B supports a large set of 24 bit operations
        and a somewhat more rational set of shift operations than the
        standard EAE. All prior EAE designs would hang on the microcoded
        CLA NMI (clear/normalize) instruction applied to a nonzero AC.
        This instruction is redefined to be a mode changing instruction
        on the 8/E.

Standard configuration: A CPU with 4K of memory, plus 110 baud current
        loop teletype interface. Both a rack-mount table-top versions
        were sold (both 9" high by 19" wide by 21" deep). The rack mount
        version was mounted on slides for easy maintenance. The OMNIBUS
        backplane was on the bottom, with boards inserted from the top.

        The PDP-8/OEM had a turn-key front panel, no core, 256 words of
        ROM and 256 words of RAM, and was priced at $2800 in lots of 100.

        The standard OMNIBUS backplane had 20 slots, with no fixed
        assignments, but the following conventional uses; certain board
        sets were jumpered together (shown with brackets) and therefore
        were required to be adjacent to each other:

        -- KC8E programmer's console (lights and switches)
        -- M8300 \_ KK8E CPU registers
        -- M8310 / KK8E CPU control
        -- M833 - Timing board (system clock)
        -- M865 - KL8E console terminal interface.
        -- -- space for more peripherals
        -- M849 - shield to isolate memory from CPU
        -- G104 \
        -- H220 > MM8E 4K memory
        -- G227 /
        -- -- space for more memory
        -- M8320 - KK8E Bus terminator

        Most of the early boards with 3 digit numbers were defective
        in one way or another, and the corrected boards added a trailing
        zero. Thus, the M833 was generally replaced with an M8330, and
        the M865 was replaced with the M8650.

Expandability: The following are among the OMNIBUS boards that could be
        added internally:

        -- M8650 - KL8E RS232 or current loop serial interface.
        -- M8340 \_ Extended arithmetic element.
        -- M8341 / (must be attached in two slots between CPU and M833.
        -- M8350 - KA8E posibus interface (excluding DMA transfers).
        -- M8360 - KD8E data break interface (one per DMA device).
        -- M837 - KM8E memory extension control (needed for over 4K).
        -- M840 - PC8E high speed paper tape reader-punch interface.
        -- M842 - XY8E X/Y plotter control.
        -- M843 - CR8E card reader interface.

        There were many other internal options. There was room in the
        basic box for another 20 slot backplane; taking into account the
        2 slots occupied by the M935 bridge between the two backplanes,
        this allowed 38 slots, and a second box could be added to
        accomodate another 38 slot backplane, bridged to the first box by
        a pair of BC08H OMNIBUS extension cables.

        Given a M837 memory extension control, additional memory could be
        added in increments of 4K by adding G104, H220, G227 triplets.
        The suggested arrangement of boards on the OMNIBUS always
        maintained the M849 shield between memory other options. The
       one exception was that the M8350 KA8E and M8360 KD8E external
        posibus interfaces were typically placed at the end of the
        OMNIBUS right before the terminator.

        The following options were introduced later, and there were many
        options offered by third party suppliers.

        -- G111 \
        -- H212 > MM8EJ 8K memory
        -- G233 /
        -- M8357 -- RX8E interface to RX01/02 8" diskette drives.
        -- M7104 \
        -- M7105 > RK8E RK05 Disk Interface
        -- M7106 /
        -- M8321 \
        -- M8322 \ TM8E Magtape control for 9 track tape.
        -- M8323 /
        -- M8327 /

Survival: It is still fairly common to find PDP-8/E systems on the
        surplus market, recently removed from service and in working
        condition or very close to it. A modest number are still in
        service doing their orignal jobs, and there is still a limited
        amount of commercial support from both DEC and third-party vendors.


Subject: What is a PDP-8/F?

Date of introduction: 1972.
Date of withdrawal: 1978.

Technology: an OMNIBUS machine, as with the PDP-8/E. First use
        of a switching power supply in the PDP-8 family.

Reason for introduction: The PDP-8/E had a large enough box and a large
        enough power supply to accomodate a large configuration. By
        shortening the box and putting in a small switching power supply,
        a lower cost OMNIBUS machine was possible.

Reason for withdrawal: The PDP-8/A 800 displaced this machine, providing
        similar expansion capability at a lower cost.

Compatability: The PDP-8/F used the PDP-8/E CPU and peripherals.

Standard configuration: Identical to the PDP-8/E, except that the KC8E
        front anel was replaced with a KC8M front panel that had LEDs
        instead of incandescent lights; this front panel could also be
        installed on PDP-8/E systems, but the PDP-8/E front panel could
        not be used on a PDP-8/F because of the lack of a +8 supply for
        the lights. The original PDP-8/F box had a defective power
        supply, but a revised (slightly larger) box corrected this

        With the dintroduction of the M8330, DEC began to require that
        this board be placed adjacent to the KC8x front panel, although
        many OMNIBUS PDP-8 systems continued to be configured (by users)
        with the M8330 elsewhere on the bus. As a result, the suggested
        order of boards on the omnibus began with:

        -- KC8E programmer's console (lights and switches)
        -- M8330 - Timing board (system clock)
        -- M8340 \_ optional EAE board 1
        -- M8341 / optional EAE board 2
        -- M8310 \_ KK8E CPU control
        -- M8300 / KK8E CPU registers
        -- M837 - Extended Memory & Time Share control

Expandability: This machine could be expanded using all PDP-8/E OMNIBUS
        peripherals, including the external expansion chassis. The
        relatively small internal power supply and the lack of room for
        a 20 slot bus expander inside the first box were the only
        limitations. There were minor compatability problems with some
        options, for example, the power-fail auto-restart card, as
        originally sold, was incompatable with the PDP-8/F power supply.

Survival: As with the PDP-8/E, these machines are moderately common on
        the surplus market, and frequently in working condition.

 Tim Shoppa                        Email: shoppa_at_trailing-edge.com
 Trailing Edge Technology          WWW:   http://www.trailing-edge.com/
 7328 Bradley Blvd		   Voice: 301-767-5917
 Bethesda, MD, USA 20817           Fax:   301-767-5927
Received on Fri Apr 09 1999 - 19:21:51 BST

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