At 01:08 AM 4/10/99 +0100, Tony Duell wrote:
>Strange. And it only does this on the rear connector?
>Are you sure it's the same PSU? The one I am talking about - the H724 - has
>the following layout :
Same layout, same number. Pictures here:
>There is a top cover for the 8/e. It's a single metal unit that covers
>the top, right side and back. The PSU is exposed on the left side (but
>there should be a mesh cover on the side of that).
Check on the mesh cover and the slots in the right hand side. The PSU
though has no indication that it ever had any catches on it (no adhesive
residue at all) Perhaps it was mounted in a desk or something.
Received on Fri Apr 09 1999 - 22:36:41 BST