On Sat, 10 Apr 1999, John Ruschmeyer wrote:
> I came across an odd board in the dumpster at work today. Hopefully
> one of you might recognize it. It appears to be some sort of bubble
> memory board.
> Details:
> Small board, approx. the size of a 5.25" floppy drive board
> 2x40-pin Berg headers at one end
> 2x36-pin edge connectors at the other
> 2 very small pushbuttons
> 3 LEDs labelled:
> EN
> Obvious chips:
> ROM labelled "RCB1.1"
> Z80A
> Intel D7220-1
> Intel 7110A-1 bubble memory module
> Lots of 74LS-family chips
> Markings:
> Bubbl-tec
> division of PC/M, Inc.
> Copyright 1984
> Anybody recognize this one?
No, but with a Z80A and ROM onboard it sounds like a single board computer
with a bubble memory for starge. Might possibly be some sort of
high-reliance industrial controller. Nice find!
Question: Does it look like this
or does the top (lable-side) edge connectors not have gold contacts (only
the bottom)?
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Sat Apr 10 1999 - 02:27:54 BST