stepping machanism of Apple Disk ][ drive (was Re: Heatkit 51/4

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Mon Apr 12 20:09:29 1999

On Apr 11, 17:21, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
> Allison wrote:
> ::the oder of learning for me was PDP-8, PDP-10, CM2100, 8008, 8080 then
> ::over a span of 6 years. From the 1975 to 1978 the list is z80, 8048,
> :: 1802, sc/mp, 6800, 650x, 9900, pdp-11!
> ::
> ::I have fewer biases. ;) Well ok, if said 8085 for some, 804x for
> ::T-11 (pdp-11 on a single chip), and z80. Never had more than the few
> ::until recently but they are fun too.
> Heavily biased to 6502 myself :-) then Z80, 9995 and x86. I'll learm M68K
> one of these days.

I started on the Z80, then 6502, followed by ARM, 68K, 6809, 8048, PDP11,
MIPS in no particular order. I still like the Z80 and 6502, but the ARM is
one of my favourites. I've never written any serious code for x86, and
what I've seen of the architecture fills me with loathing ;-)

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Mon Apr 12 1999 - 20:09:29 BST

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