At 08:29 PM 4/13/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>Me, too, but you don't know my dad...
>He has his computer in the living room, with the screen facing the window,
>and he says that he wants it to look nice when it's booting (don't_ask)...
>I think he deleted the spare one, too. I did a search, and can't find it
>anywhere. Either the computer didn't come with a copy of the CD on the HD,
>or my dad deleted the copy, because I can't find that, either.
>I told him he'd be better off to just put DOS back on the thing....
> -Jason Willgruber
> (
> ICQ#: 1730318
Are you sure its not a hidden file? Go to "My computer", then VIEW,
FOLDER OPTIONS, click on VIEW tab, then "show all files" button and
"apply". Don't forget to restore the setting when through.
Charlie Fox
Charles E. Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
email Homepage
Received on Wed Apr 14 1999 - 07:41:25 BST