On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Karl Maftoum wrote:
> Today I dusted off the HP150 I picked up the other week, when I saw it I
> actually believed it was only a terminal, but it had a HP-IB interface
> which made me pick it up. Discovering that it is a non-IBM compatable 8088
> based machine with a touch-screen was nice :-) Not having any drives with
> it renders it useless as a computer, but I am interested in getting it
> working as a touch screen terminal, does anyone have the docs for this? or
> be able to tell me what "Power-on error 1000" means? and how to test out
> the touchscreen?
I don't know about Australia, but here in the States the 9121 drives are
fairly common at ham fests and surplus shops. Someone may correct me but
I believe this is the type of drive that will work with the HP150.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Wed Apr 14 1999 - 12:18:26 BST