OT: Welfare state morality

From: Allison J Parent <allisonp_at_world.std.com>
Date: Thu Apr 15 20:59:49 1999

<is simply that these computers aren't new enough. They can be used for
<anything that a new one can be used for, but they won't read the newest MS

BZZT. i'm running a PS/250z with a scanner and I can and do.

<Word files. Microsoft made sure of that. Believe it or not, people can be

Simple dont use word, it's virus prone.

<very picky about such things. Also, there is the issue that the computer
<will never be used, or will get thrown away the next day, whatever. The
<point is that there is no justification for the trouble it takes to
<distribute computers to individuals. If these individuals want to get a
<computer, fine. I have found dozens of computers in garbage cans, I'm sure
<they can do no worse.

There is a lot of truth to that.

I think it's more the matter of where Max is a decent 386 is trash fodder
but in may parts of this country (USA!) that would be a windfall.

After a day of trying to make billies OS and code work, killing a gutted
clone sounds like a great release of stress. ;)

Received on Thu Apr 15 1999 - 20:59:49 BST

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