Abort, Retry, Ignore, Fail? (Was: stepping machanism

From: Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com <(Philip.Belben_at_pgen.com)>
Date: Fri Apr 16 09:36:58 1999

>>Hang on. I don't claim to be fluent in C, so I was keeping out of this
>>but this is well weird! As I understand it, you don't have to prototype
>>anything in C - or shouldn't have to. The only C compiler I've ever used
>>doesn't even SUPPORT prototypes!
> I'm just not good with jargon. I meant declaring. In perl, everything is
> dynamically allocated. You don't do "int foo; foo=5;", you just do
> "$foo=5;".

Oh, I see. In that case I agree.

Received on Fri Apr 16 1999 - 09:36:58 BST

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