Amiga 2000HD Hard disk

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sat Apr 17 18:47:53 1999

--- LordTyran <> wrote:
> Hmm... I'll take the 68k if you can get me an even and odd CIA :)
> Well, I know about HDToolbox, but there's one problem.
> When I try to run HDToolbox, it always says "Driver not installed" in the
> box that is supposed to contain drive information.

What kind of SCSI card do you have? HDToolbox can be invoked with a
parameter (Tooltype from Workbench, CLI parameter from CLI) specifying
the SCSI-driver's name. If your controller is not autobooting, you
may need to build a special boot floppy with the driver in the Expansion
drawer and a BindDrivers to load it into RAM.

The default driver name for HDToolbox is scsi.device. If your card
does not use that as a driver name, the software won't go looking for it.


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Received on Sat Apr 17 1999 - 18:47:53 BST

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