Amiga 2000HD Hard disk

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sat Apr 17 19:24:47 1999

--- LordTyran <> wrote:
> Beats me. I just said screw it and reformatted the old drive.

Boot from an install floppy and check the device numbers with showconfig.

> I know that it autoboots, as I've done it many many times with this card

OK... that's a good start. There are ways to check the driver name, but
not with the supplied tools.

> .. And just checking up on my emails with my hand VT100
> terminal and 14.4 modem :)

Ugh. It's been a long time since I've had to do that.

> P.S. Do you have CIAs that you would like to sell? I'd be interested in
> getting my dead 500 working again..

Not really. I have some A500 boards here, but I'd have to pull chips from
them to get chips. Are the usual sources dried up? I haven't had to buy
any Amiga chips in a while.


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Received on Sat Apr 17 1999 - 19:24:47 BST

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