Apple HAL XEBEC controller

From: Sellam Ismail <>
Date: Sun Apr 18 21:13:50 1999

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Pete Turnbull wrote:

> > Ok, I just took stock of the hardware in my next room. I have a First
> > Class Peripherals Sider ][ hard drive (actually two) and for the first
> > time ever noticed that they have a Xebec label on the bottom, which I
> > guess means these are actually Xebec hard drives and First Class was the
> > name they sold hard drives under? Whatever.
> I didn't know Xebec made drives, but it's perfectly possible. They used to
> describe themselves as the "Zero Defect" company, so that would fit.

Well, not the actual DRIVE per se, but the entire assembly. The actual
drive was manufactured by NEC (didn't note down the model number). The
enclosure was the First Class Peripherals Sider ][, and the label on the
bottom of the enclosure was a Xebec. The controller within the enclosure
was Xebec, and the controller in the Apple is Xebec.

> > Ok, so then I opened one up and noticed a Xebec PCB that is the same size
> > as a 5.25" drive, that contains among many other things a Z80, an 8502
> and
> > a ROM with a Xebec label. The connector is 50 pins.
> Sounds just like mine.
> > I then opened the Apple //e hood and the Xebec controller card also has
> 50
> > pins.
> Ah. Well, I didn't really expect you'd have a setup that was quite the
> same. Thanks very much for taking the trouble to check, though.

No problem.

> > So I'm not familiar with the card you have at only 26 pins.
> >
> > > Was there a standard pinout on Apple SCSI/SASI boards? Perhaps it's
> the
> > > same as the Mac 25-pin SCSI?
> >
> > If you consider Xebec to be the standard then yes. I've never seen a
> hard
> > drive controller made by any company other than Xebec.
> Hmm... I've seen lots, notably Adaptec and Xylogics... but perhaps you mean
> in an Apple environment -- in which case the only other name that comes to
> mind is Corvus, and I've no idea what they used. Not SCSI, I think.

Yes, I meant Apple, specifically the Apple ][ family (short of the //gs).
Corvus would be another one.

Sellam Alternate e-mail:
Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.

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Received on Sun Apr 18 1999 - 21:13:50 BST

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