All this OT stuff...

From: Julian Richardson <>
Date: Mon Apr 19 03:14:56 1999

>> I've installed a filter at my end that should dump most, if not all,
>> messages with OT: in the subject line. However, the point remains that I
>> should not have had to do so in the first place.

Hmm, the problem with that being that occasionally OT conversations are
interesting/meaningful.... what we need is a filter that only starts
dumping OT threads after the first few messages (enough intelligence to
never let *any* 'my language is better than yours', gun laws, ABS
braking etc etc. conversations through would be great too.... :*)

(Hmm, maybe that sounds a bit heavier than it should be... still, it is
Monday morning... ;)


Received on Mon Apr 19 1999 - 03:14:56 BST

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