How scarce (valuable) is core for the PDP-8?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Apr 19 11:40:04 1999

--- Lawrence LeMay <> wrote:
> Well, I didnt say that I would pay $100... Or that it was a great price.
> But it might be a fair price.
> And i'd probably try to locate Lassiter and see if my some miracle he
> could repair the board, etc.

I don't get the reference.
> But, thats just me. To me, having a PDP8/e is the ultimate dream machine.
> That, and having the room to store a PDP8/e...

A PDP-8/e isn't all that large. Some of the peripherals can cause a
space problem...


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Received on Mon Apr 19 1999 - 11:40:04 BST

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