Convergent Technologies System

From: Ward D. Griffiths III <>
Date: Mon Apr 19 14:07:23 1999

On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Pat Del Vecchio wrote:

> I recently acquired a Convergent Technologies system model CG-1000
> miniframe system. Tried hooking up a dumb terminal with no luck. The
> system appears to be trying to boot from the hard disk but my guess is
> that the operating system has been deleted :(. Does anyone have any
> technical information on this system?
> I gather from searching the web that this system ran a flavour of Unix
> (RTOS?). Any and all info appreciated. Thanks.

What you've got there is the sibling of the AT&T Unix PC. The OS
was called CTIX. I'm told that some Unix PC binaries will run on
it, but you still need an OS. Which would probably be on a tape.
That line was pretty well dead when I worked for Unisys at the old
Convergent campus in San Jose. But there are a few folks with
knowledge still around. I'd recommend a thorough browse of the
comp.sys.3b1 newsgroup -- it doesn't get enough traffic to be
indexed as a separate newsgroup by Dejanews lately, you have to do
a power search and put that in the newsgroup field and specify
dates between several years past and now. Whether anybody can
actually supply an OS tape at this point is anybody's guess, and I
doubt that Unisys could.
Ward Griffiths
"the timid die just like the daring; and if you don't take the plunge then 
you'll just take the fall"                                Michael Longcor
Received on Mon Apr 19 1999 - 14:07:23 BST

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