Repairing core (was Re: How scarce (valuable) is core for

From: Lawrence LeMay <>
Date: Mon Apr 19 20:31:49 1999

> > [For the record a 4K core stack in an 8 consists of a G104, G227, and H220
> > card. It was the H220 card that had the actual core "mats" on it. The H220
> > card is often "liberated" from PDP-8's as a trophy/display item.]
> YEs, but... The H220 (or the 8K core plane that I've forgotten the name
> of) has 8 connectors on it (4 into the bus, 4 to top connectors to the XY
> and sense/inhibit boards). When in place it's fairly well hidden by those
> top connector blocks as well. So it's possible the core planes _were_
> still in the machine, but they hadn't spotted them. Unlikely, I guess.

My 8K set is H212, G104, G233

My 4K set is H220, G227, G111

Its possible the previous owner mixed up the boards though.

-Lawrence (Whistling "If I only had a PDP-8/e" from the Wizard of OS8) LeMay
Received on Mon Apr 19 1999 - 20:31:49 BST

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