z80 timing... 6502 timing

From: Hans Franke <Hans.Franke_at_mch20.sbs.de>
Date: Wed Apr 21 14:17:54 1999

> While your comments are valid observations, I submit, however, that we're
> coming at this from two different viewpoints. I wish to address the
> question "Which processor is faster, 6502 or Z-80?" while you want a general
> comparison of processors. Unfortunately, answering one question doesn't
> address the other.

The 6502 vs. Z80 is only a subplot in the all CPU question - so
if the measurement does fit the general question it also fits
the specific. In fact, if we go for the general thing, the rules
will be much more aprobiate then when we only focuse on two


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Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 14:17:54 BST

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