On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Jim Strickland wrote:
> > > C64/Amiga/Mac/Apple2/Atari/etc market. The last survivor was the Radio Shack
> > > Color Computer - sort of appropriate, since they marketed the first personal
> > > computer in the TRS-80 model 1. Note that this also is strictly the US market.
> >
> > Bahahaha. Ok, come clean: you were really joking, right?
> Heh. No. I got my first PC in 1990. 386s had just come out, but an XT was
> still a useful machine because nothing really made use of 32 bit computing
> at the time. Its CGA graphics were grossly inferior to the Commodore 64
> I sold to get it, and it had no sound at all except a few pathetic beeps.
No, I was referring to your comment of the TRS-80 M1 being the "first
personal computer". We won't argue about the definition of "personal
computer", but for the sake of this discussion, the Apple ][ and Commodore
PET were both introduced in April 1977 at the first West Coast Computer
Faire. The TRS-80 M1 was introduced in August of 1977.
Of course, the Sol-20 predated all three by almost a year.
> At the time software was just starting to be made that wasn't also immidately
> ported to the apple2 and commodore platforms, and the mac software world was
> starting to really pick up.
In 1990 almost no new software was being made for the Apple ][.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 16:47:42 BST