Hello, all:
A friend of mine has a small quantity (~30) of adapters to enable one to
program the EPROMs used in the Panasonic HHC with a standard EPROM
programmer. The adaptor houses the 8K eprom, most commonly used is the
MCM68764 by Motorola, but a special crimping device is used on the chips
before they can seat in the HHC proper. If this was not the case, you
wouldn't need the special insertion socket to burn chips, you would be able
to seat the eproms directly into the ZIF sockets on the programmer being
These adapters were supposedly hand-crafted for the purpose. Asking
price is $15_at_ plus shipping from New Jersey.
If anyone needs more details, e-mail me privately and I can hook you up
with the guy selling them.
[ Rich Cini/WUGNET
[ ClubWin!/CW7
[ MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
[ Collector of "classic" computers
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Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 17:48:43 BST