How scarce (valuable) is core for the PDP-8?

From: <(>
Date: Thu Apr 22 07:58:01 1999

> take about 90VDC to light up, but after they light up they'll stay on
> until the voltage drops below 60VDC or so. Only problems are:
> 1. The thresholds can vary greatly from unit to unit.
> 2. The thresholds will vary depending on ambient light, as well.

Use pulse coupleing so each runs at it's range. Also I do have a basic
design for a TTT machine using neons and 2d21 thyratrons.

I feel personally that would be good for demonstrating some for the other
forms of logic used.

Then again someone would want that interfaced to PCI too.

Received on Thu Apr 22 1999 - 07:58:01 BST

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