z80 timing... 6502 timing
Since we've not seen any code for the 6502 yet, this may not be a problem,
but since Apple didn't exactly make it easy to exchange diskettes with other
systems, how would you propose to transfer a file, binary or otherwise
between systems? Though I haven't gotten into it, I figured on
cross-assembling from a PC to a PROM. That makes it easy for me, but how
will others do it?
It's enough of a problem transferring files from, say, a CP/M box running a
Z-80, since PC's don't read 8" disks.
How should this be dealt with?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_netwiz.net>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 3:17 AM
Subject: Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing
>>> Some things in this contest that sound reasonable to me;
>>> Input and output are to memory resident buffers.
>>> Inline code is too boring, and subrountine calling too important, so the
>>> "task" should require perhaps modules; maybe make the contest half a
>>> subroutines which get called from a contest defined main program (using
>>> some typical non asm language like C or pascal).
>>> Contest submissions could be a simple binary file, file length,
>>> jump table for subroutines, the actual code. Some third party, can run
>>> code and time it on the hardware of their choice.
>>Nice, but with these things, like internas of the system for input/output,
>>binary and similarities, you tie again all down to a single system to
>>use - we loose the idea of a cross platform competition where only basic
>>processor features are measured (see also the subject).
>I don't see what you mean. By setting some basic format for the file
>structure you make it PORTABLE, not restricted. Each target system then can
>read the common format and arrange it however is best suited to that target
>system prior to execution of code.
Received on Thu Apr 22 1999 - 09:58:51 BST
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