On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> Doug's site is well researched and MAGNIFICENT in its presentation.
> But, inevitably, his choices of "requirements" are completely
> arbitrary. MOST of them, I agree with! But they are still arbitrary.
> For example: WHY "digital NOT analog"? If there were to exist an
> analog machine with a complete operating system, peripherals, office
> productivity suite, etc. would that not be a "personal computer"?
Are you sure you understand the concept of an "analog computer"? They are
of an entirely different paradigm than a digital computer.
> His choices for "requirements" are VERY REASONABLE. But still completely
> arbitrary. "moveable by one person" WHY? Seems like a good idea, but
> what about a computer built into an office desk?
Because if it took two or more people to move then it wouldn't be
"personal" anymore. You'd have to get someone else involved to do so.
But in general I agree with you: the requirements are arbitrary, but they
do make good sense.
> BTW, yes, Doug DID say that he was selling the domain name. Presumably he
> did; or has he merely taken on a new hobby?
It was sold. I like the new site much better ;)
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Thu Apr 22 1999 - 20:29:04 BST